Session 16 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 16

General Summary

The session begins just after The Battle at Whitehearth where you where able to fight off a horde of Scorched Ravagers lead by a giant worm Mashaaf the Great Mother. Master Talus requested help cleaning up and repairing the warforged. Queelix Von Boomersmark noticed that the warforged where being controlled by restraining bolts. He was able to dislodge one of them. After speaking with the freed warforged whom you've named Atom, Queelix attempts to get some "special time" with the other warforged. After a very lack luster argument with Master Talus the attempted insurrection is abandoned and Atom has decided to remain vigilant at Whitehearth Keep.   Ohazar attempts to remove the venom sacs from the Scorched Ravagers, Drexel watched as Ohazar nearly blew himself up, twice before finally being able to remove one of the venom sacs.   WuWei went and prayed for savlation from his spagetthi god for he has used the Grater of Warding and Gargauth's power a lot in the last day. Gargauth is quit loud and vocal about wanting to murder all the insolent whelps that call themselves the Silver Flame.   After a long deserved rest you set out with your cart and 4 Wooden Donkey heading north through the Field of Ruins despite warnings of how dangerous that area is.   Mass Grave Encounter   Traveling threw the Field of Ruins has been an eye opening experience. This area was to have some of the bloodiest battles of the last war, and the number of mass graves you've seen prove it. The mass graves are easy to spot, large dirt mounds in the middle of open fields. They are so frequent that once you start to loose sight of one, another can be made out in the distance. This doesn't even count the warriors that died on the day of the mourning, there bodies still laying where they fell. Some of them appear to be picked over by scavengers others have melted into the ground. A few seem petrified while others are just a pile of mush.   Up ahead one of the mass graves seems to been converted into some sort of alter, with several obelisks jutting out of the ground. The bones and bodies start to congeal and shake. They start forming a solid shape till standing in front of you is a creature made of all the random bodies in the grave.Skeletal Juggernaut   Meteor Encounter   You've all spent enough time in the Mournland to become accustomed to the perpetual low light and grayness that now defines the former Cyrean nation. When a new light source in the skies starts to bloom, you all immediately notice it. Over head a bright yellow/orange ball of fire seems to be falling from the sky. While the giant ball of flame and light is heading in your direction, Drexels keen eye is able to determine it's trajectory and is not going to land anywhere near you. Instead it flies over head of you by a few hundred feet. As it does a loud crack is heard as you are hit with the sonic boom of an object falling from space. Make Con sav DC10 or take 3 points damage and have tinittus- disadvantage with perception checks that rely on hearing. The object crashes into the ground sending up a mushroom cloud of flame and dust. Judging from the impact it is several miles away.   As you crest the hill, looking down you see a bright yellow glow coming of a Large meteor with yellow crystals all jutting out all around it. Surrounding the crash site are several Scorched Reapers all on there knees, bowing to the meteor. They seem to be praying. One the Scorched reapers appears to be a bit younger and is playing fetch with a ravager.   Drexel attempts to convert to an unknown cult however he just ends up looking like a fool. The meteor seems to be made of rock and Siberys Dragonshard. You do find that the Scorched here seem to have little memories of the last five years. They appear to only rembmer up till the day of the Mourning. Initally there are 4 of them and a Scorched Ravagers but there numbers grow after you take a long rest. Kareene seems to be there spokes person, Ta-an is a young boy playing with a ravager they've named Rogu, and Ash who seems to be friendly with Kareen.   After some experimentation you find that removing the Scorched from the Siberys Dragonshard meteor has negative effects on them and they start to revert back to there savage ways.   Drexel finds that the Siberys Dragonshard help abate the infection he has from the tick bite. He takes a shard and places it into a non-anatomical pocket.   With the help of the converted scorched, the small meteor with Siberys Dragonshard was able to be loaded onto your wagon. While WuWei and Ohazar orchestrated the loading of the meteor, Drexel and Queelix continued the mining and crystal farming of the larger piece.   After the small meteor was loaded, Queelix and Ohazar where able to convince the converted scorched to wear necklaces made of Siberys Dragonshard. They also convinced them to wear the Tinfoil Helm of Altruism that Frick gave your group. Once they wore the hats they had an overwhelming urge to head south towards Frick's Encampment. Ohazar asked the converted scorched to have frick send more tinfoil hats to Barren Keep.

Rewards Granted

scroll of goodberry, scroll burning hands, Flamethrower, Scorched Ravagers venom sac   1000 cp, 6000 sp, 2600 gp, 70 pp, Obsidian Statuette (of a wolf) (250 gp), Fine Leather Mask inlaid with Brass (250 gp), Onyx Ring inlaid with Silver (250 gp), Glass Eye (250 gp), Leopard Fur Mask set with Onyx (250 gp), Marble Medallion set with Onyx (250 gp), Leopard Fur Vest (250 gp), Dragonscale Shoes (250 gp)   Small meteor of Siberys Dragonshard, as well as mined shards and ore from larger one.   Obtained Level 7

Missions/Quests Completed

Party Hats - Pick up more hats at Barren's Keep or check in with Frick at his encampment

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
18 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location