Field of Ruins Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil

Field of Ruins

The Last War devastated the nation state of Cyre long before the events of the Mourning. Having a central location to all of the Five Nations the landscape was soon scarred by the constant warfare. None more so what is now referred to as the Field of Ruins. This area was to have some of the bloodiest battles of the last war, and the number of mass graves one can see prove it. The mass graves are easy to spot, large dirt mounds in the middle of open fields. They are so frequent that once one starts to loose sight of one, another can be made out in the distance. This doesn't even count the warriors that died on the day of the mourning, their bodies still laying where they fell. Some of them appear to be picked over by scavengers, others have melted into the ground. A few seem petrified while others are just a pile of mush.
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