Session 19 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 19

General Summary

We rejoin our heroes in the The Great Wormling Cavern. After vanquishing a smattering of wormlings and beating some sense into Hrok the Heroes settle in for a well deserved rest.    With the watch rotation set, Wuwei imbibes the bottle of Goodberry Absinthe, his body falling into unconsciousness. An eruption of flames from the fire engulfs the entire area, your skin feels like its all being ripped off at the same time. There's a flash of light, momentary blindness and then silence and darkness. What starts as a faint murmur steadily grows louder and louder, the screaming of thousands of souls can be distinctly heard. You slowly open your eyes and get up from the hard rocky ground. You feel the intense heat coming off the a river of fire. There is no doubt in your mind this is the River Styx located in Avernus.   Standing before, you laughing is a 30ft tall winged monstrosity. The laugh is familiar to WuWei, it is Gargauth. Garguth demands the Blue Dragon Mask or he will kill you all. Ohazar Molgera begs for his life and asks for power in return for the mask. Gargauth happily provides Ohazar with the gift of fire breath for the mask. Another flash of flames and you all awaken in your camp.    The group catch a ride with Goblins of Breland who have been able to convert the airship into a hovercraft. The precocious ride finally comes to an end underneath the floating city of Making. The remnants of the city of Making float above the group. Hundreds of boulders float in the crater where Making stood, floating and drifting as if gravity did not exist. These boulders float around a literal mountain turned upside down, that now has the city of Making on top. This floating mountain is restrained to the ground by large chains, pulled tight.     
  Approaching the center of the crater, the ground starts to angle downwards til they turn into rock ledges, almost steps that lead to a large circle, approx 100ft in diameter. There are etchings in the circle of a language unknown to all. There are markings of where this circle could open up. As the group inspects the circle a deep voice can be heard.   
  With a creepy intro and a chuckle an odd creature glides down, almost falling, out of the sky. It has large stained glass like wings, a body made out of rock and a head of Wilferd Brimely. One could believe that in another place the figure before you could have been a Sphinx, but it has obviously been twisted by the Mourning. The creature introduces it's self as Laughing Chuck. Chuck agrees to fly the group up to the top of Making if they can provide some "riddles" for him. When presented with actual riddles Chuck is angered. After some back and forth the group is able to discern that Chuck prefers his "riddles" to be just bad Dad jokes. After an hour of joking with Chuck he flies the group up to the top of Making and warns them that there are dangerous things that live in the city.   The majority of the city has been destroyed. Most of the buildings are rubble and there seems to be builds that are perpetually on fire. There seems to be three distinct areas that seem realatively unscathed, the Cathedral, the Market Place, and the Palace.   The Market Place has several destroyed stalls and a pristine fountain in the center. Several Talons of Tiamet are in the area patrolling. After decimating the Talons the group obtains several bottles of the fountain water (Crystal Clear Liquid)which seems to have unique properties. Ohazar Molgera having no common sense drinks the liquid which has the added benefit of providing him with a long rest yet he seems very hyperactive.    The group heads over to the Cathedral which is guarded by two Warbeast. After sneaking past the Warbeasts the group decides to just kill them outright. Upon there deaths the door opens and Kwalish yells at them to get inside.   

Rewards Granted

  • 4 bottles of Crystal Clear Liquid 
  • 13- gems worth 25g each
  • Lacerator- chain whip- The Lacerator is unlike your typical chain weapons. Rather than being a series of loose-fitting connected links, this chain weapon features 21 disks that resemble vertebrae that move side to side, and have a razor sharp blade at the end. When attacking with this weapon the target takes an additional 2d6 fire damage.
  • remnantsWarbeast's Queelix Von Boomersmark can mend the pieces together and craft a functional shield
  • 2 darts

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
23 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location