Session 23 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 23

General Summary

During one of Drexel's scouting mission he reported some terrible news. He spotted an airship docking near the palace that bared the markings of the Black Fleet. He was able to get a glimpse of some of the crew members and a few looked familiar.   Fearing that the Black Fleet would complicate any assault on Gargauth Queelix Von Boomersmark, Ohazar Molgera and WuWei decide to delve back into the sewers and find there way to the palace to deal, once and for all, with the Black Fleet.   Before setting out Kwalish is able to provide one Anti Magic Grenade, he hopes this would help against the Khyber Control Crystals. Anti Magic Grenade- A 20-foot-radius invisible sphere of antimagic surrounds where the grenade lands. This area is divorced from the magical energy that suffuses the multiverse. Within the sphere, spells can't be cast, summoned creatures disappear, and even magic items become mundane. This area lasts for one hour.   Popping out the manholes in the city as if they where ground hogs the group comes upon an erry site. A giant hulking mass of concrete, metal and corpses paces around, what has been affectionately dubbed The Corpse Hole. Queelix recognizes it as a Cadaver Collector, a massive construct that roams battlefields collecting dead bodies and laying them to rest. The Cadaver collector notices a DragonWing guard and it starts to charge. A high pitch cry is heard and blueish-grey ghostly apparition erupts out of the collectors chest. The apparition barrels down on the guard, the apparition rips what could be described as its soul out. Just as suddenly the apparition returns to collector, dragging behind it the "soul" of the guard. Once returned to the collector both are absorbed back into the collector. Then the collector picks up the lifeless body of the Dragonwing Guard, picks it up and trudges towards The Corpse Hole. Upon approaching the corpse hole the collector drops the body into the hole and continues on it's patrol.   Not wanting to leave the giant soul sucking construct in peace, Queelix promptly feeds it more bodies to establish its patrol area. Upon realizing that it wont go past certain ruins with magic glyphs placed on them, the group decides to destroy what the glyphs. Once the glyph is destroyed, the Cadaver Collector escapes it's patrol area and is set upon the Talons of Tiamet. Utterly destroying everything and anything in it's path the Collector is brutal and savage. Once the killing is done, and the Talons have retreated, the Collector goes about the slow monotonous job of dumping the many corpses down the corpse hole.   Utilizing the confusion and reduced numbers that the Cadaver Collector caused, our group capitalizes this by climbing the docking tower. Once on top of the tower the group decimate the guards set to protect the tower. There timely demise afforded our group enough time to set up for reinforcements coming by the elevator. Once the Black Fleet pirates escape the stuck elevator they are obliterated by a well place cannon shot leaving Billy Bones alone. After dispatching Billy, the group finds a wrist control device for the Khyber Control Crystals. Combing the wrist device with the anti magic grenade, Queelix has effectively disarmed the Khyber Control Crystals in there necks. With the Khyber Control Crystals disarmed the group is in the perfect position to take the fight to Gargauth.
Report Date
27 Oct 2020