Session 4 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 4

General Summary

At the Murloc Camp   The camp has several huts surrounding a central firepit. The ruminants of the drider you killed slowly roasts over the fire. Around the fire are make shift benches made out of drift wood and rocks. There is an altar at the head of the firepit, just in front of Chieftain Blurgal's hut. You would consider this altar to be very ornate for the Murlocs, considering their modest surroundings. It's decorated with chips of Merdinite Dragonshards, with 5 large shards in a pentagram pattern on the top of the alter.   A group of Kua-Toa, led by the two Grungs that brought you here, enter the camp. They bring with them the dead body of the 3rd Grung. You also notice they are carrying Wu Wuie on a pole with his hands and feet tied. . The Kua-toa start to bring Wu Wei towards the firepit and start to remove the drider from the fire. Luckily enough the group was able to stop the Murlocs from eating WuWei.    Ceremony- The Kua-toa gently place the body of the Grung on top the altar in front of Chieftain Blurgal. Blurgal reaches into a pouch on his belt. He pulls is hand out and claps his hands over the body of the Grung and starts to slowly rub his hands together. As he does a fine iridescent green powder can be seen reflecting of the light of the fire. Blurgal starts to softly chant a guttural gurgling noise as he slowly covers the body in this iridescent green powder. His chanting starts to get louder and louder until the entire camp surrounds the firepit and altar. As all the Murlocs gather around, they start to chant and gurgle as well. He places a dragonshard on the chest of the dead Grung. As he does the crystal is absorbed into the chest wall. The body then starts to convulse and twitch. The skin then starts to boil and the Grung's limbs starts to grow. Bone snapping and earie stretching noises can be heard over the Murloc chanting. Out of nowhere, it all suddenly stops, its dead silent now. What was the body of the dead Grung slow stands up and steps into the light of the fire. As it does, you all can tell that it does not resemble anything like the Grung you meet before. It's body is still mutating and changing till it finally resembles a Kua-toa (angler Murloc). The newly transformed Murloc lets out a loud hissing noise and all the other Kua-Toa join in. The revived Kua-toa steps off the alter and joins the other Kua-toa. While the other Kua-toa have a lure coming of their head the newly transformed one does not.   Blurgal lets out a loud foul smelling burp. As he does the Kua-toa pull the cooked drider off the fire and start to gorge themselves on its flesh. The newly transformed Kua-toa bring the fingers of the drider to Blurgal. Blurgal stares at the fingers and chooses the largest one. The Kua-toa the approaches you offering a cooked finger to each of you.   Blurgal tells you that "These are very yummy. We call them Man-ling wings. They are especially good when they are extra crispy". WuWei, being the adventurous type decides he will try one of the "man-ling wings".   Receipt of the Scroll   Chieftain Blurgal can now speak common without poisoning you. Blurgal recognizes a symbol on Wu Wei, it is a mark of the Pastafarian. As a sign of good faith Blurgal hands over a leather tube with markings of the Pastafarian. Inside is a scroll with a map to a Pastafarian Temple. Wu Wei recognizes it as the lost Grater Temple, the supposed home to the Grater of Warding. Quest start- Dude where's my shield    Outpost    The Murlocs take you to one of their outlying camps. A group of the Grungs escort you threw a myriad of tunnels and caves, some natural tunnels and some resembling the clean 20ftx20ft tunnels you encountered earlier. You travel for about 2 hours in this underground labyrinth until finally you see the faint glow of a fire. Approaching the outpost you can tell the Murlocs are quit resourceful. They have a very defensible position with crude walls made out of mud and rock.

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Report Date
05 May 2020
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