Session 6 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 6

General Summary

After finishing exploring the Spider Queen liar the group heads back to Blurgal. Upon arrival to the crossroads the group spots signs of battle with arrows strewn about, battlements destroyed or on fire, blood stains the ground and you catch the faint smell of death. There are no bodies to be found. They report this back to Blurgal who asks if the group can locate who did this. Quest started- A Bridge too Far.   The group track the bloody tracks to a rope bridge where several Gnolls have set up a trap. The group dispatches the Gnolls and find evidence the Gnolls had wiped out the Crossroads outpost. Quest Completed- A Bridge too Far.   When they cross the bridge they come across Creighton and Carrington, pirates of the Black Fleet in stockades in front of the temple. They tell a tale of being captured by a group of Gnolls and being brought down here to be eaten. After much deliberation and bargaining the group frees Creighton who kills Carrington once he get a pistol.    The group explores around one side of the temple and picks some flowers before deciding to go into the Grater Temple.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
19 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location