Eberron Eberron Timeline


Year of the Kingdom

1 YK and beyond

Galifar I and his five scions - Cyre, Karrn, Thrane, Aundair, and Brey - take control of the Five Nations and establish the Kingdom of Galifar.

  • 832 YK

    880 YK

    The Silver Crusade
    Military action

    In the 800s, the curse of the lycanthrope proved to be a problem for the people of the continent of Khorvaire. In the year 832 YK, the Church of the Silver Flame announced the Silver Crusade: a church sanctioned scouring of the continent to destroy all lycanthropes and their ilk. This crusade slaughtered most of the lycanthropes on the continent, as well as a race of lycanthropic descendants known as shifters. Due to the atrocities committed by the Knights of the Silver Flame during the Purge, it remains a dark page in the church's history.

  • 894 YK

    996 YK

    The Last War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Last War was a conflict raging between Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Thrane, and Karrnath. Its purpose was to reunite the Kingdom of Galifar after the succession conflict that occurred upon the death of King Jarot. The conflict lasted over a century and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK.

  • 894 YK

    King Jarot Dies
    Life, Death

    King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister's claim, and the Last War begins.

  • 994 YK

    20 /2

    Day of Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Day of Mourning is an event where the nation of Cyre was destroyed in a magical holocaust of unknown origins on the 20th of Olarune, 994 YK. This event marked the beginning of the end of the Last War. Over a million Cyrans perished, including Cyre's Queen, Dannel ir'Wyrnarn along with military personnel from Breland, Thrane, and Karrnath within the nation's borders.

    Additional timelines
  • 996 YK

    Treat of Thronehold
    Geological / environmental event

    The Treaty of Thronehold officially ends the Last War.

    Additional timelines
  • 998 YK

    4 /10

    The Adventure Begins

    Your Adventure Begins

    Barren Keep
    More reading
    Session 1
    Additional timelines