3.09 Terminal Terminus Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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3.09 Terminal Terminus

Session Reports

General Summary

Scribed, Zar 14th Zarantyr 998 in Sharn, Breland
Short Notes
  • We start our chronicle with the roof caving in and the dead and dying around us
  • Mephits of ice, lightning and air pour out of portals and begin repiring the building, and walls of force cover the walls and ceiling, the injured start teleporting away
  • Curst goes to molest the dead Vrinn
  • Mephits are siphoning the electricity from the capacitors
  • Cass casts fly and goes looking for the Baron
  • Corvus jumps down from the bridge onto the train roof and onto the platform, he has noticed purple robed people wearing the kings symbol
  • Curst enters the 3rd train, Kora enters the second
  • The purple robed people begin casting spells of conjuring
  • Killian sees Quinn carryng an injured Baron Trelib out of the train
  • Curst gets the death eye and 3 beholder stalks
  • Rogg tells him he's gross
  • Huge portal opens and pours over the whole station putting out the fires ad filling the area with mist and smoke
  • The Baron Trelib D'Medani is dead!
  • Cass reports to Quinn.
  • Rogg and Curst move to join us
  • The purple people dissapeared
  • Killian suggests we move, and Curst says we shouldn't be at risk
  • We have to find the heir, Kora notes that Dolurh is remote so they have chosen their time well as the Baron cannot be restored
  • Quinn opens a portal and takes the Baron with him, we all enter and arrive outside a dilapidated church of Orien.
  • Gates of gold is where we are, it is a ramshackle district, that clearly was onace a glorious place decades ago.
  • It is pouring with rain and a shrieking wind freezes our wet skin
  • Cass requests aeriel surveillance from Tempest, Killian and Rogg to guard
  • Killian suggests we get in from the rain, and Cass suggests better to be wet than dead, Koratana concurs
  • There is a yard full of monuments and dead plants to the north of the temple
  • Curst summons Tempest, and begins to peer through his eyes, his eyes roll back and he is away
  • Cass asks Killian to tell us what he knows about this area, he cannot remember, claiming he is distracted by the rain
  • Corvus and Rogg notice that NE of us a human shaped figure enter a door
  • It is nearly 6pm
  • Corvus stealthily investigates, Killian backs up Corvus, as does Cass, Kora and Rogg protect the at risk Curst. Kora mind-links with Cass
  • The Mausoleum has the symbol of St Demain family on it, the Kingfisher
  • The main church was once beautiful, now it is ruined and dilapidated
  • Cass notices a round mark in the mud next to the foot, possibly a cane.
  • bell tower is vibrating with some sort of thunder magic, possibly to augment the bell tolling should it do so
  • external fence has been recently reinforced
  • curst regains awareness
  • Kora and Rogg move to the west of the building
  • We see a bedroom that has been recently occupied, and the room isn't dusty.
  • Corvus unlocks the door on the west side
  • Skarogg attempts to knock the door down and fails, it resists, he tries again and suceeds
  • In the west Killian rushes aross the room towards the door, passing a table with papers on it
  • Killian peering through a door you can see a 10' tall clay creature, and it moves towards the door
  • Killian, Cass, Corvus and Rogg attacks the clay golem, as Rogg does, the cloaker falls on him shrieking horrifically, Killian is frightened by it, it sounds like his old nursemaid
  • The golem has sucked the very life out of Rogg!
  • Corvus slices the golem to pieces
  • Curst slays the ray
  • I look at Rogg and determine that the power required to restore him from this is beyond me, and will require sufficient skills from House Jorasco
  • We hear a howl from within the room
  • We go up the stairs, the doors are locked, corvus picks one door while Rogg tries to kick the other one open after Cass fails
  • Cass finally succeeds
  • Curst enters and sees the giant werebear and shoots two bolts into the roaring bear
  • Cass casts suggestion to Manage and suggests him to move to human form and go on the floor to not get hurst and he complies.
  • Grimgaj appears and sends a fireball into the room burning Killian, Skarogg, Corvus and Curst, and has no effect on Mange!
  • I heal everyone of much of their harm from the purple fireball
  • Grimgaj counters a charm spell by Cassius
  • Everyone attacks grimgaj
  • She attacks Cassius from behind, and his wounds open and start bleeding
  • My most powerful scorching ray is blocked by her counterspell, I curse her volumously in quori
  • Curst shockbolts Mange
  • Grimgaj misty steps away
  • Cass continues to bleed
  • Everyone attacks Mange
  • Grimgaj teleports back and viciously attacks cassius, rendering him unconscious
  • i pop through the doorway and partly heal him and throw a bolt of purest divine radience at her
  • corvus shoves his sword in her back
  • Cass tries to charm grimgaj and fails
  • Curst pops out from under the table and fries Mange with shocking bolts
  • Skarogg knocks Mange unconscious
  • Killian attacks Grimgaj and she plane shifts away
  • Victor (or his twin) turns up and laughs and says the time has arrived, the bell begins to toll and we hear a female scream from above as the whole tower shakes with vibrating energy
  • 6.47 has arrived

Browse Journal entries

Quinn of House Medani
Tralive D'Medani

Daja Brel
Flesh Golem
Lightning Elemental
Mannikin Flesh Golem
Victor St Demain
Yeck the Grin
Zelina D'Medani3.11.5

New Information
Suspicious price of Victor's church3.11.1
Warforged Deaths and riots3.11.4
Roggs injury part of bigger evil3.11.4
Zelani blocking rathers resurrection3.11.5
Zelani threatens Curst & Killian3.11.5
Rogs vision of evil spider and Valassa3.11.6

Personal Goals
GoalFor Ref
Find 2nd Light SwordKillian3.1.5
Investigate Silver FlameKora3.1.4
Keep to my moral compassKora3.11.4
Protect Curst & KillianCass3.11.5
Be wary of the lies of Valassa and the spider womanRogg3.11.6

QuestFor Ref
Find Yeck the GrinCorvus
Find Message House Orien
Find ZelinaHouse Medani
Get Diamond BasiliskHouse Medani
Capture or kill The Gangmultiple
Heal VolaGatekeepers3.1.1

Get Libby Cain's Feedback
Return Yeck's blade for Boran
Investigate Gate of Gold
Inspect Calden's body
Investigate at Celestial Vista
Investigate Rat in a Sack Club
Visit Mondo's Chickens
Go to Half-Drowned Tavern
Hunt Yeck at Shipwreck Point
Investigate Silversmith
Investigate Victor's House
Investigate Bomb Threat

Treasures & Rewards
Staff of Healing from Avanatâna 3.1.4
Deputies of the Sharn Watch3.2.1
Raver's Diary3.5.1
3000gp each to save Zelina3.5.2
3000gp each to get the diamond basilisk3.5.2
Victors Monster Manuscripts3.6.1
Victors Blueprints3.6.1


Report Date
13 Feb 2022
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