Koratâna Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session Reports
As fey and unusual as most of her Kalashtar kin. A cleric of the Path of Light , she is beautiful and a kind and passionate soul.

Her power in the light grew, but sometimes she can be almost brutally destructive and merciless. An upbringing of wealth and privilege shows through, but is tempered by the humility of her faith and the expectations of her family.

Her power with light, and healing skills have been invaluable to the companions, and her gently and realistic widom was instrumental in avoiding many nasty situations.

As she kept journals, I have more information on Kora than the others.
Archivist Laventelle


About Kora
L6 Cleric
  Physical Appearance
Flowing red hair, surrounding an attractive pale face with slightly ethereal features. Her deep green eyes flecked with gold seem somehow wise and calming to most people.   Her body is lithe and toned but not astounding, and she wears robes of a soft grey blue, grey leather boots and gloves and she walks with a natural grace.
Koratâna's voice is soft and warm, and she tends to enunciate carefully, occasionally rolls her r's and pronouncing words in an unusual way.   She pauses before speaking, and always watches a speaker, with an air of interest and listening. If she is unsure she cocks her head slightly.   When Koratâna laughs it is light and bubbly, like a bubbling brook. All her mannerisms seem calm, soothing and reflective.
Companion's Journals
Timeline of Events
This is a brief interview with Kora.
"Hi there" she says shyly, flipping her long red hair, "I'm Kora, and I'm flattered you want to know about me" she smiles, transforming her face to one of ethereal beauty, and pauses.
Of Family
"I'm from the capital city Wroat in Breland, I'm a Cleric of the Path of Light, and, as you can probably tell, I'm a Kalashtar." she twitches her blue-grey robes absently with one hand.   "We are fairly well off, actually if we didn't spend most of our money on helping people we'd probably be rich" she pauses and shrugs   "Rich in money anyway. What we do changes people's lives for the better, and ensures the unlucky don't become .. inconvenient .. and disappear or suffer .. accidents" she frowns slightly, her eyes clouded, and then smiles again.   "My family is well known in Wroat and all the way to Sharn, which is fantastic, it brings with it opportunity and responsibility, which we take seriously" her young face is serious. "We live in a estate outside Wroat, ALL of us, its quite a few, and it's also where our Clan runs all it's business from".   "Mother, Anelletâna, is a Healer of great skills, the King's Dark Lanterns, and the nobility call upon both her, and my grandmother, Avanatâna, who is one of the senior Clerics at the Temple of the Path of Light" she smiles proudly.   "Father, Voshishâra is the best woodcrafter in Wroat, and one of the best in Breland!" she exclaims passionately "His crafting is art, and he can command high prices from the nobles and famous people who tender for it" she pauses   "But he keeps true to his calling and still does work for the commons and those who need it, and he teaches apprentices in Wroat and Sharn both" she smiles sadly.   "He says most do not feel the wood, and will never make the wood what it's soul desires, perhaps only the Kalashtar can do what he does" she looks introspective.   "I have 3 brothers and a sister, my brother Tera is a soldier of the Church of the Silver Flame, he believes the darkness must be fought directly" she frowns "I hope he does not fall to that which he fights, but he is a very strong warrior" she shakes her head.   "I digress. Naelan, my oldest brother, is a successful merchant, known for his honesty and quality goods he purveys. My sister Liea is learning to be a healer under mother and now travels with her, as I travel with her and grandmother, Avanatâna. She is very impetuous"   "My baby brother Baen is already studying to be a Warlock at Morgrave University!" she exclaims, visibly proud. "He has always loved magic, and he startled us when he turned 14 by healing an injured dog with his arcane magic." she pauses "Of course grandmother had him enrolled at the university immediately". she looks into the distance, not even aware enrolling at Morgrave in an instant is beyond most people.
About Life
"My life has been full of meaning and worth. My drive for the light has not been caused by some terrible tragedy as is often the case, my family have been my inspiration to follow the light, their compassion and love a guiding beacon to me, and my community" she smiles broadly.   "Being Kalashtar, community is important. Even after the centuries since we fled here, many see us as outsiders, aliens" she looks at you with warm glowing green eyes   "And they are right, and it is understandable." she pauses   "They cannot know the dreams of our Quori, the Tâna, where we experience what our ancestors did, the horror, terror and evil of the experience is real, and fresh, not an ancient evil to be forgotten" she looks distant and both sad and determined   "All my family are true to Tâna, but only my grandmother and I are devout to the Path of Light, it tends to be women in our family that become Clerics"
Healing and Being a Cleric
"When we travel, it is to ease the ailments of mortality - illness, birth and death."   "We see the best and worst of people. My mother heals them, and sees injury as an enemy she must defeat!" she laughs "It is an arrogance, but of the good kind"   "Grandmother and I, we also heal, but we try to heal the mind, the soul, to condition the body, and to inspire and help people harness their inner goodness, and feel it's power and benefits it brings to them and those around them." she grins a bit shyly   "I know, I sound like one of those awful people who try to make people 'better'. But I do not mean it that way, everyone has unique skills, a unique path, that when it is tapped and you are true to it, you grow and by it's nature you improve everything around you"   "It is not my definition, it is yours, every being, has this potential for goodness and light, even those of the dreaming dark, those who have fallen to it's darkness, have that potential." she frowns, looking unhappy   "But some will not try it, their fear, hate or other reasons are too strong. Sometimes we must fight and even destroy those so they do not destroy others. But for me that is not cause for celebration, but a time to show respect for our enemy, and have hope that they find a truer path".   "I am a Cleric of Tana and the Path of the Light. But I fam not blind to the darkness around us, I just believe WE can bring light to the darkness, and gain strength together by refusing it, by striving, by helping the souls around us, in whatever form they are".   She nods her head to you, waves, and gracefully leaves, her blue-grey robes swirling as she turns, her soft leather booths not making a sound.