3.10 For Whom the Bell Tolls Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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3.10 For Whom the Bell Tolls

Session Reports

General Summary

Scribed, Zar 15th Zarantyr 998 in Sharn, Breland
  • Rogg has been badly weakened by the attack from Masher
  • The bell injures people as it rings and Kora uses a spell to silence it but it collapses after we leave, taking down part of the building
  • Zelina was blindfolded, bound and injured but Rogg rescued her and Cass healed her and we all got bugger all gratitude
  • Victor (or his twin) escapes
  • Mange is tortured and reveals little and is terminated
  • The Gang is down to 2 members plus Victor
  • We learn the twisted story of the St Demain family

Recovering from the ordeal of the battle with the gang, and shaking off the dramatic exit of Victor, Killian heals Cass of the wounds inflicted by the evil Grimjaw with a potion, and the continuous bleeding stops as I expected.   The bell continues it's dolorus tolling and the female screams echo from above us in the belfry.   Rogg launches up the stairs like a green tornado, and with his great strength tries to stop the bell, only to find himself unable to do so in his weakened state, despite continuing to try. The vile Masher has truly inflicted terrible harm on him!   Zelina is blindfolded in the corner, steel chains bind her arms and legs, and she is bleeding from her nose and ears, no longer the imposing and terrible figure of House Medani legend.   I head towards the stairs at a snails pace intending to climb and see what new challenge awaits us. Meanwhile Curst ties Mange up with his mystical chains so he can't attack us.   Cass rushes up the steps to rescue the heir to House Medani and in his haste triggers a lightning trap of some sort, and even from where I am I can smell the odor of burnt hair. Curst calls out 'it wasn't me!'.   Still smoking, he pulls Zelina toward the ladder as Corvus climbs the stairs to the tower and sees runes on the floor, he turns and shouts down 'Curst, we need you up here'.   The bell tolls, and I hear cries of agony from those upstairs, an uncharitable thought crosses my mind that I'm lucky I wasn't faster. I call out that I am coming, and have a handy silence spell.   As my head clears the stairs I see the massive Rogg trying to stop the clapper and being unable, I frown as I realise how badly hurt he has been.   Somehow, I get past the cluster of people (It's busier than Roguns Fried Rat Cafe at a dwarven lunchtime in here, and smells as bad!) to cast my spell, and feel my tension ease as the almost visible silence settles upon us.   Curst flies up the staircase on his broom, like an underfed witch, looks at us and the bell, shakes his head and scarpers back outt, not that he could fit in here.   Cass carries Zelina downstair and the rest of us tromp down after, I'm mindful to be careful and not lose my concentration with that bell of doom above us.   I watch with amusement as across the room Killian does an awkward dance to pin the comatose Mange under a chair, and no sooner has he suceeded than Rogg flings the chair away, picks the carebear up bodily and carts him off towards the front door.   flies out with his magic boots. (person:31ea8775-ba05-4dba-b463-5b5186d6e7c1) and glowers around the street, he may not be raging but he's definately not a happy camper. Cass gently removes Zelina's blindfold, cures her wounds with a beautiful song and begins strumming on his citurn. As the final notes fade, Zelina vanishes, but he clearly is still carrying something from the position of his arms.   Victor is further down the street, and he looks dissapointed at our annoyingly upright condition, and hurries off before we can react.   Having seen one doppleganger, I quiety ask Cass if he has checked it is actually Zelina? He looks at me for a moment, nods and another beautiful song confirms something for him, he just says 'nothing out of the ordinary'. Such a chatterbox!   As I head towards the gates to the street, I see Corvus bending down at the mausoleum doors, apparently picking the lock, it mustn't be successful as he seems to mutter and shakes his head as I join the others in the street.   I feel it getting harder and harder to maintain the silence spell, and warn my comrades it's about to fail.   As the silence ends, a massive boom of the bell sounds as though it is vengeful for being repressed, and huge shudders shake the building and the groud, and the tower collapses into the centre of the building with a terrible crash.   The rodent-like people of this salubrious neighbourhood dissapear as morning mist, and the streets are empty.   From the sheltered location where Cass is lurking, we hear an obstropulous voice demand 'Cass, what the hell is going on here? Report!' Charming. He cancels the invisiblity spell.   The ever dutiful Cass reports to the heir of House Medani, explaining the situation and death of her father. She curses mange and the situation, kicks the unconscious Mange a few times and orders Cass and us to find answers by any means possible. She mutters some words, and vanishes. Impressive.   Cass does his bossy-boots role and gives everyone a meaningful task that suits their skills, he is very good at this. Meanwhile I wool gather, wondering about why I wish we'd been a bit slower to reach the tower, and having some sympathy for Victor if he had to deal with turds like that bitch regularly. She gets on my nerves, perhaps corporal punishment does have a purpose. I call my compnions together and call upon the light to heal their wounds, enjoying the way it soothes my soul as I do so.   I volunteer to watch outside, as I have an almost preternatural perceptiveness (to make up for my inability to move quietly perhaps), as the others go inside to look for clues and take our captive.   Later on I find out that the others, aside from the most honourable Rogg did some 'mild torturing' of Mange but didn't learn much except he was called on to kill people from children to the elderly, with no qualms and quite some delight.   Cass executed him afterwards, which whilst it saddens me, he has already escaped captivity once and would likely kill again. . Am I justifying this act?   Curst finds a journal and a note detailing the life of Victor and his siblings. It is both sad and disturbing.   They were orphans here in this church, and learnt to survive in Gate of Gold, he was good at Divination, and the brother was in Necromancy, and they protected their younger sister from the debased world they lived in. But she was eventually killed by the Boromar Clan, they regularly tried to resurrect her soul into the bodies they harvested, and spent their time getting revenge on Boromar Clan.
Browse Journal entries

Quinn of House Medani
Tralive D'Medani

Daja Brel
Flesh Golem
Lightning Elemental
Mannikin Flesh Golem
Victor St Demain
Yeck the Grin
Zelina D'Medani3.11.5

New Information
Suspicious price of Victor's church3.11.1
Warforged Deaths and riots3.11.4
Roggs injury part of bigger evil3.11.4
Zelani blocking rathers resurrection3.11.5
Zelani threatens Curst & Killian3.11.5
Rogs vision of evil spider and Valassa3.11.6

Personal Goals
GoalFor Ref
Find 2nd Light SwordKillian3.1.5
Investigate Silver FlameKora3.1.4
Keep to my moral compassKora3.11.4
Protect Curst & KillianCass3.11.5
Be wary of the lies of Valassa and the spider womanRogg3.11.6

QuestFor Ref
Find Yeck the GrinCorvus
Find Message House Orien
Find ZelinaHouse Medani
Get Diamond BasiliskHouse Medani
Capture or kill The Gangmultiple
Heal VolaGatekeepers3.1.1

Get Libby Cain's Feedback
Return Yeck's blade for Boran
Investigate Gate of Gold
Inspect Calden's body
Investigate at Celestial Vista
Investigate Rat in a Sack Club
Visit Mondo's Chickens
Go to Half-Drowned Tavern
Hunt Yeck at Shipwreck Point
Investigate Silversmith
Investigate Victor's House
Investigate Bomb Threat

Treasures & Rewards
Staff of Healing from Avanatâna 3.1.4
Deputies of the Sharn Watch3.2.1
Raver's Diary3.5.1
3000gp each to save Zelina3.5.2
3000gp each to get the diamond basilisk3.5.2
Victors Monster Manuscripts3.6.1
Victors Blueprints3.6.1


Victor's Journal
  • Summary of the journal (Viktor's most likely) as follows.
  • Viktor, Pravos and Mavus were sent to the orphanage at the Church of Aureon, Gates of Gold as a very young age (6 for the twins, 3 for Mavus) by their parents - Karrnath General Trez Zul and his wife Ullan Zul.
  • The orphanage was not well run so the siblings were often left to fend for themselves, quickly becoming entangled into the criminal elements of Sharn, especially of those in the Lower Wards.
  • The twins were incredibly protective of their sister but, despite their best efforts, they were unable to stop her murder at age 13 by a group of local thugs lead by Dorn the Black, a dwarf with a pension for gold and violence in equal measure.
  • Shattered by their sister's death the brothers left the orphanage, vowing to avenge her murder.
  • Over the next couple of years they each, in their own way, found the path to completing that task.
  • Viktor fell in with a small group of mystics in Cliffside and learned the arts of divination, hoping to track down Dorn and his gang who by this time - were scattered all across Sharn, and Pravos spent every waking hour with the priests tending to graves of the City of Dead learning the way of necromancy, intent on bringing his sister back from Dolurrh, the plane of the Dead.
  • As they grew in both years and power they slowly, steadily and secretively tracked down each of their targets and enacted their revenge, all the while presenting a facade of civility to the rest of Sharn.
  • They also used their skills, especially Viktor, to accumulate a modest fortune and purchased the St Demain home, taking their last name in an effort to hide their past.
  • Some ten years after the death of Mavus the twins finally found Dorn, who was now a fully fledged member of the Boromar Clan, and his death was long and painful.
  • Their revenge complete Viktor and Pravos turned their full attention to bringing their sister back to life, something which to this day they have been unable to do despite Pravos' power.
  • Increasingly disallusioned Viktor decided to throw himself into his inquisitive duties and set his sights on admittance to House Medani, in an effort to use their power and influence to assist his sister's resurrection.
  • Pravos however continued his work from the family home, and fell deeper into the dark arts, eventually leading to a rift between the brothers, one that deepens with each passing day.
  • There is also, oddly, no notes beyond a year ago. The writing, musings and observations simply stop

    Report Date
    27 Feb 2022
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