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Sharn, City of Towers


Human 90%, Zil 5%, Mrorin 2%, Talenti 2%, Other (Aereni, Dhakaani, Droaamite) 1%   The majority of the population is human followed by Zil, Mrorin and Talenti. The Dhakaani of old live among the ghettos and tenements of the lower city and in the depths of the Cogs. Warforged enclaves exist in the Cyran ghetto of High Walls and in the Cogs. Monstrous species from Droaam and its environs live in the Cogs and Tavick's Landing.


Representative council

Industry & Trade

The Cogs supply Sharn with a steady stream of raw construction materials. The extensive harbor in the Hilt Bay allows for maritime trade. The Orien lightning rail enters through Tavick's Landing.


Sharn sits athwart three plateaus at the mouth of the Dagger River. The rocky pinnacles would be otherwise impossible to build on; however, the magical energies of the Syranian manifest zone have allowed the city's builders to defy the natural laws of gravity. The towers of Sharn reach many hundreds of feet into the air with walkways and bridges connecting them. The poorest wards are at the bottom of each plateau, and the wealthier wards are located high atop the towers.

Natural Resources

Sharn sits within a manifest zone to Syrania, the plane of air and freedom. Syrania is an outer plane that embodies the notion of liberty, freedom and creativity. The physical manifestation of this relationship to Syrania is that gravity does not function in the same way as in the rest of Eberron. In Sharn, engineers can construct delicate architecture that would never normally stand on its own, elementally-driven sky coaches can navigate the distances between towers, and people that fall from a tower might not die when they hit the city streets below.   More than just the physical benefits of the manifest zone, Syrania endows its inhabitants with a powerful creative drive. Artists, engineers, mages, and scholars are all empowered with an intellectual clarity that can't be found elsewhere. Athletes, warriors, builders and tradespeople find themselves open to creative solutions that they wouldn't otherwise have considered. This is what makes Sharn the economic powerhouse and cultural destination that it is.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Knives, The City of a Thousand Eyes, The Gateway to Xen'drik, The City of Lost Souls
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)

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