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Eberron is a place of wide magic. The spells available to its peoples are between cantrips and 3rd level. This creates a world of magitechnology that, in many ways, resembles our own much more closely than one might think. In cities like Sharn or Wroat there are services that mirror showers (cleansing stones that cast prestidigitation to remove dirt), telephones (House Sivis speaking stones that transmit messages), and vehicles (sky coaches in Sharn that transport passengers between towers).   When you play in Eberron feel free to imagine solutions to problems as if you were a person today. As you move away from metropolitan centers, you will see the fantastic amenities drop sharply away. In the wilds of the Eldeen Reaches or Droaam people scratch out a living by relying on limited magic. These peoples are agrarian, parochial and mistrustful of rarified city-folk.   Many species of monster in Eberron do not behave as they do in a world like Faerun. Orcs, goblins and medusa have communities and even civilizations that rival any player-race achievements. When one sees a goblin in Eberron do not assume a chaotic-evil monster. Assume a person, with a rich culture that is just trying to make a living like everyone else.   Eberron is a place filled with colorful characters from across a variety of nations and species. The issues of race, personhood, faith, war and myth can all be engaged with when one tells a story in Eberron.