
Hope is on the frontier of unsettled territory in Khorvaire. Nestled in the region just below the Endworld Mountains, Hope is less of nation and more of a collection of small villages. Though Q'barra is an officially recognized nation per the Treaty of Thronehold, the region of Hope is basically a lawless frontier. While the nation of New Galifar is run out of the nearby Newthrone, they do not have enough power to heavily control the vast regions of swamp within their territory. While they pass proclamations on what is and isn't lawful there, they are mostly powerless to enforce it. Thus, the region is paradise for those who don't want to live under the control of another leader. Many who have had enough of the politics of the Five Kingdoms come here, attempting to tame the wilderness on their own. Many refugees, having lost their home in Cyre, have found hope here and have attempted to rebuild their communities. Many lawless folks also make their home here, ready to take advantage of the lack of law enforcement. All coexist in a strange, wild place that is collectively known as Hope.

Articles under Hope