Session 1: Freefalling

General Summary

Marking the start of the campaign, our group of adventurers meets outside of the Wartorn town of Vathirond in the Field of Ash. Our group of adventurers introduces themselves for the first time. First was Alex Rapide the Gloomstalker Ranger, then we have Adonis Lenoir the Twilight Cleric, followed by Navi Caddel the Necromancer, and finally, RO-K1 the Way of Four Elements Monk. They then discuss why they are there: Adventure! Turns out, an old friend of Alex's, Kara d'Cannith, needs a group of adventurers for a good-paying job. They met there because an elemental airship was told to pick them up there if they accepted which they did. they were introduced to Captain Wisp of E.A. Furrpaws who was a tabaxi with nice orange hair. He gave them a tour of the ship and off they were.   Their journey only being a day and a half they explored the ship finding the following: Inside one of their rooms they find an "L & W" inside a heart carved on a wall while in another room they found a bag hidden under a bed containing 5 gp and a deck of cards but instead of King's, Queen's, and Jack's there are Captains, Helm's Men, and First mates. All of the Captains have big red Xs on them. Believing that the cards are a plot against the captain, Alex after dinner brings him to her room using distractive "clothing" and then shows him the cards explaining where she found them. He points out that there is dust on the cards and that sailors are not allowed to be in guest rooms even if there are no guests. Feeling safer, the party goes to bed that night only to be freaked out by one of the Passengers: a mysterious Warforged with red eyes named red who acted strangely.   The day after while talking to the captain and investigating the engine room the ship is attacked by another Elemental Airship filled with goblin bandits who use ballista bolts tied with big ropes to attach the ships and then slide aboard on the ropes. The party fought bravely killing many of the goblins and saving most of the crew except one. While amidst the combat, however, a goblin tried to get to the engine room to sabotage it. However, RO-K1 chased after the goblin to stop him, but R0-K1's friends were blocked by a Swashbuckling Goblin who covered the goblin's descent into the ship. R0-k1 chased the goblin into the engine room, however, when he arrived the goblin was slain by Red who had a mysterious paper stuck to the elemental engine. While talking to Red, R0-K1 learned of a mysterious individual known as The Lord of Blades before accidentally igniting the paper which was actually a scroll of Fireball that blew up the engine.   With the engine exploding, the Fire Elemental who powered the ship's flight escaped and began destroying the ship while the goblin's elemental also got free and both began destroying their respective ships as they freefall. When this happened both Navi and Alex fell off the ship, yet Adonis managed to save Navi, but not Alex who flew away from the ship. Captain Wisp desperate to save his passengers, hands everyone a Featherfall token before going off to save Alex from falling to death. The party and what was left of Captain Wisp's crew fell safely to the ground while the ships crashed around them and debris fell from the sky. With Captain Whisp putting his two fallen sailors to rest, he is now a captain without a ship. They now head on to the city of Starilaskur where Kara d'Cannith awaits them for their real adventure!

Rewards Granted

160 gp
Eberron: In the Shadows of the Mournland Campaign
Adonis Lenoir
Navi Caddel
Alex Rapide
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
16 Apr 2022
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