Eberron: In the Shadows of the Mournland Campaign Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Eberron: In the Shadows of the Mournland Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron
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Supporting Cast
  • Aldiar Armas
    Mithlians only living child and another friend of Adonis's from his Warband
  • Alexia Wheatflow
    Alexia is a 23-year-old Human female who is 5'8" feet tall and has Rosey red hair. She has soft white skin and a diamond-shaped beautiful face. She squints often and has an average build but she is "thick".
  • Noble Althalos Writingham
    Althalos Writingham is a 47-year-old male human. He has very long, wavy, black hair and brown eyes. He has soft, sunburned, white skin and He stands 5'7" tall and has a round build. He has a scar on his chest, leg, and arm.
  • Knight Arcane Aradius d'Tarkanan
    Aradius is an eldritch knight in the service of Virsara. He is 5'10, a muscular half-elf in a full plate covered in arcane runes. Virsara saved him from assassins during the last war and has his life forever indebted to her. He wields a greatsword also covered in intricate ruins
  • Ariana
    Ariana is much like her sister. Standing at 3'9", she has brown curly hair. Her skin is slightly tanned and she is wearing modest clothing of a simple shirt, cloak, and travel pants. Her eyes are green and she is a very happy little girl even with her circumstances.
  • Arthur degrey
    He has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. He is 5'10" with an athletic build and a round attractive face. He is a blacksmith who is excellent at repair and well versed in Cyre metal working
  • Blaise Elden
    Adonis's best friend and fellow warrior skilled in ranger like abilities
  • Mage Corfire Quickwind
    A firey and flamboyant mage who enjoys fire magic. He is quite intelligent and is quite an adrenaline junkie always seeking adventure. His expertise is that of eldritch magic and arcane phenomenon.
  • Patriarch Dane Halar Deineith
    The son of Khyber is a 41-year-old male human with a bald head and various markings covering his face that resembles a weird dragon mark. He has golden eyes with rugged white skin and stands 5'11" tall with a muscular build. He has an oval, ordinary face and He smells lightly of spices while wearing dark red robes and sandals.
  • Emeline
    Emeline is a 36-year-old half-elf. She stands at 5'6" and has gray eyes with light brown hair. She has a round build and is very pretty in her appearance. Her features are sharp and she likes wearing dresses.
  • Frederick Drake
    Frederick has cropped brown hair and is 5'11" with a muscular build. He has a sharp ordinary face and gray eyes. He uses sarcasm and insults commonly. He is also a part of the town guard.
  • Lich Ivqor
    A powerful lich that runs the lore book. He is obsessed with fate and the Draconic prophecy and makes deals with adventurers with souls for information gleaned from the Draconic Prophecy.
  • Viceroy Kara d'Cannith
    Kara d'Cannith She stands 5'6" tall and has a round body build. She has smooth chocolate skin with an oval common face. Kara also has silver-gray hair and blue eyes yet looks like she is in her early thirties. Her Mark of Making is located on her right hand and acts as a Viceroy over Eastern Breland for Cannith south.
  • Kimon Lenoir
    Adonis's real father and seeker of Adonis's power
  • Korina Elio
    Adonis's Deceased Mother
  • Kurdu Thunderhead
    Kurdu Thunderhead is a 4'4" Dwarf with blonde hair and a beard. He has rough white skin and a somewhat muscular build. His face is boxed in nature and gray eyes
  • Mithlian Armas
    A fatherly figure from Adonis's childhood
  • Mr. Bones
    A handsome merchant who conducts business within the Mournland to adventurers that might be in need. He sports all sorts of goods. He goes around in a carriage that can open up on the side as a sort of mobile business pulled by two skeleton horses.
  • King Oargev ir'Wynarn
    Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn is the last surviving scion of the royal family of Cyre and thus a king without a kingdom. He serves as the mayor of New Cyre in Breland and the de facto leader of the Cyran refugees spread across Khorvaire. He is 5'11" with smooth white skin and elegant features with gray eyes. He has an athletic build and stands always in a noble position.
  • Raffolk Warney
    Raffolk has blonde hair and large amber eyes, and a thin mouth. He wears modest garments and several small tools hang from his belt.
  • Lady Seraphina Duskheart
    Lady Seraphina is an elegant and statuesque figure, with porcelain-pale skin, raven-black hair cascading down her back, and piercing crimson eyes that seem to shimmer with otherworldly allure. She is often seen wearing finely tailored attire reminiscent of a bygone era, adorned with dark, ornate jewelry.
  • Thundu Rubyminer
    Thundu has cropped, curled, black hair and gray eyes and is 117 years old. He has rugged golden skin. He stands 4'11" tall and has a beefy build. He has a square bland face with a very long chinstrap beard.
  • Viceroy Traston d'Medani
    Traston d'Sivis is a 5'11" Half-elf who has straight well-cut hair. He has rough white rosy skin and has a face with sharp features. He has a fast pace yet calm voice and his mark of detection is located on his chest.
  • The greedy one Tybris Writingham
    Tybris Writingham is a wandering merchant selling adventuring gear near the Mournland
  • Venrila
    Venrila is a 19-year-old female Assassin. She has straight brown hair that goes right below her shoulders. She has a smooth beautiful face and is 4'9". She has incredible curves and is attractive to look at from the front and the back.
  • Virsara d'Tarkanan
    Virsara is the second in command of House Tarkanan. Virsara is a powerful sorcerer who uses her magic to manipulate and deceive. She is a foe not to be trifled with.
  • Wendy Writingham
    Wendy is a 30-year-old water genasi. She has aqua blue eyes and hair. She also stands at 5'8" and has an average build. Her face is soft and pretty

Sessions Archive

23rd Jun 2022

Session three: A Difficult Situation Part. II

an Abandonded city, not so quite empty

Read the Report
14th May 2022

Session two: A Difficult Situation Part. I

The real adventure begins as the party will be tasked with a hunt for a certain object.

Read the Report
16th Apr 2022

Session 1: Freefalling

The start of a new campaign

Read the Report
13th Mar 2022

Session 0

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Adonis Lenoir

Navi Caddel


Alex Rapide

8 / 8 HP

Aria Nightingale