Session 2: A difficult situation part 1

General Summary

Continuing from the last session, the party of four made their way through the city of Starilaskur where they eventually made it to the Golden Dragon Inn where a friendly face awaited them: Kara D'cannith. After some light chat Kara explained to them she wanted them to retrieve an ancient artifact called the Roskurn from a nearby recently discovered ancient city(Qordo). This artifact is said to have immense magical power for spell casters to use for their enchantments and even their spells and was originally held in the ancient city who used to have 50,000 occupants. In total the party had around 9 to 11 days to collect it and meet her at the Golden Dragon Inn at New Crye in order to receive their payment of 1,000 gold pieces. Kara paid for their rooms and left them some equipment and with that the party relaxed for the rest of the day and set off in the morning.However, their four day journey was not uneventful where they encountered a bard who sang them a lovely song, a line of spikes with goblin heads on them with a sign claiming "traitors of Yemik", and came across someone in need.


Xalvador of the honorable ashglade family had something stolen from him, a family heirloom, and needed someone to help get it back. Turns out the thief was the eldest of the leaf wood family who was back in town. Xalvador offered to pay them 200 gold to get the heirloom (which was a watch) and teach the kid a lesson, killing wad optional. The party heads to the local Inn where the boy was supposed to be staying and through some thorough searching and having Alex be on look out outside, they found him. They continued to fight the boy who was stronger than he looked and mid-fight Navi made a startling discovery. Within the trunk in the room they were fighting, she found a body of the same person they were fighting. This imposter after this attempted to escape through the hallway, but quickly realized there was no escape. With a look at the party stating "they will never know", he put a bolt through his head sending brain matter all over the ceiling while the corpse transformed Into this featureless gray humanoid with no pupils. The party quickly grabbed the heirloom, notified the authorities, and left with their payment in hand. They continued their journey.


However, when they were getting close, they found another person in need. A group of Brelish soldiers were seemingly beating up a man covered in rags and dirt. The party choose to intervine and with a few sly words and some clever spells, the confrontation turned into a chase as RO-K1 decided to put the refugee on his back and make a mad dash. The guards chased them the best they could but the party was able to split up and hide among the forest. RO-K1 gave the refugee(Brom) some food and learned that the refugee stole the guards bread. The refugee departed heading to New Crye. However, with the party split up, two of the party members got lost: Alex and Adonis. RO-K1 and Navi managed to make it to the entrance of the city, but Adonis and Alex were no where to be found. Now Alex and Adonis must brave the forest alone and hope they don't run into any big wildlife....

Eberron: In the Shadows of the Mournland Campaign
Adonis Lenoir
Navi Caddel
Alex Rapide
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
14 Jul 2022
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