The Last War Military Conflict in Eberron | World Anvil

The Last War


For hundreds of years, the continent of Khorvaire was united under the kingdom of Galifar. This peace came to an end with the death of King Jarot in 894 YK, just over a century ago. Conflict over the succession spiraled into outright war between The Five Nations.


The Last War was a bitter struggle that forever changed the shape of Khorvaire. It was a century marked by shifting alliances, with years of stalemate interspersed with periods of intense battles. This grueling conflict left deep scars on the land and the people, but there was worse to come. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm now known as The Mourning. The cause of the Mourning remains unknown; many fear it was caused by unbridled use of war magic. Shock and fear brought the nations to the negotiating table, and the Last War came to an end in 996 YK with The Treaty of Thronehold.


Although many celebrated the end of the war, others remain unsatisfied with its outcome. No one won the war. Even though people optimistically refer to it as the Last War, most believe that it’s only a matter of time until conflict begins anew. The mystery of the Mourning is the only thing holding the warmongers at bay. If someone uncovers the secret of the Mourning—if it can be proven that the Mourning can’t happen again, or if its power could be harnessed as a weapon—war could erupt again. Until then, the nations remain in a cold war as each makes preparations and seeks advantages in a conflict that could lie ahead.


The Scars of War


As of 1 Zarantyr 998 YK, it’s been less than four years since the Mourning and less than two years since the Last War came to an end. The Last War spanned the continent and lasted for over a century. Most people want to move on. But the scars of decades of war can’t be erased so quickly. These are just a few of the ongoing effects of the Last War.

  Dragonmarked power

The dragonmarked houses remained neutral in the war and made considerable profit selling their services to all sides. War drives innovation; House Cannith developed many new weapons during the war, including the warforged. House Lyrandar perfected its airships in the last decade of the conflict. Rumors persist of monsters or super soldiers developed by House Vadalis or biological weapons in the hands of House Jorasco.


The dragonmarked houses emerged from the war stronger than ever, with the divided nations dependent on their services. Before the Last War, united Galifar imposed many restrictions on the houses. Today, no monarch can afford to break ties with any of the dragonmarked houses. What will happen if one of the houses goes too far in its pursuit of profit?

  New Nations

Before the Last War, Galifar laid claim to all Khorvaire. Several new states emerged over the course of the war. In some cases, this was largely a formality; Galifar never had a strong grip on the Lhazaar Principalities or the gnome nation of Zilargo, and they held the Demon Wastes in name only. Other states were born in violence: the elves of Valenar and the goblins of Darguun seized their realms by force. But Aundair yearns to reclaim the Eldeen Reaches, Breland keeps a wary eye on the monstrous kingdom of Droaam, and many mistrust the Valenar elves. Within the Five Nations, anger remains over how the final lines were drawn; for example, Thrane retains control of the ancient Aundairian city of Thaliost, seized during the war.

  Physical damage  

The borders between nations demonstrate the impact of generations of conflict. Forests and farmlands scorched by fire and magic are still recovering. Ruined cities have yet to be reclaimed, along with shattered villages and abandoned fortresses. These deserted sites now provide shelter for brigands or are haunted by the restless spirits of those who died in anguish.


This damage reached far beyond the front lines. Magic-fueled weapons, aerial cavalry, and guerrilla forces all struck deep within enemy territory, and the cities of Khorvaire suffered. Wherever you go, you might see the scorch marks of fireballs or wreckage from siege weapons. Every nation is working to repair these wounds, but the damage could linger for generations.


The Mourning


The nation of Cyre was once the heart of the kingdom of Galifar. The Last War took a heavy toll on Cyre and its citizens, as the nation became a primary battleground where the Five Nations crossed swords. But no one was prepared for the disaster that struck in 994 YK.