One Way Ticket

Adventure Background


Droaam has long been a lawless land; its denizens forming into gangs or warbands ruled over by voracious warlords. Near the end of The Last War, the Daughters of Sora Kel appeared and quickly rose to power. They asserted themselves over the various warlords and united them as a nation of the monstrous races. When the Treaty of Thronehold was drawn up and signed it made no provisions for Droaam as it's own nation. On paper the region was still Brelish territory.


In the last 10 years since the end of the war, the Daughters of Sora Kel have worked to develop something resembling civilization in Droaam. They have managed to negotiate for the area's independence. Breland has agreed to recognize Droaam as an indepenent nation and King Boranel has agreed to use what influence he has in getting the other nations to recognize Droaam's independence.


In exchange, The Daughters agreed to some compromises during the negotiations. Raids on western Brelanish settlement were to cease, Droaam would allow Brelanders work visas to work the mines, and move their exports exclusively through Breland for reduced import duties on all goods for the next 50 years.


During the negotiations Kwanti d'Orien, head of the House Orien, used his influence on both parties to sign an agreement to build a Lightning Rail into Droaam. Kwanti drafted plans for a rail to reachfrom Wroat to Graywall and on to Great Crag. This ambitous project will take a year or more and employ thousands of indiviuals.


Construction has been ongoing for the last six months. The convoy accompanied by Caravan Town has just passed the border into Doaam. As it's moved through Breland the convoy has built quite the following and a small tent city has risen up around the cavalcade. Whether they are on the run, looking to make a fresh start, or simply looking to make some coin, peoples from all walks of life have joined the roving community.


Action and Adventure, Revenge, Horror
Plot type
Geographic Progression
Related Characters
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