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Dendros Absaar

Dendros Absaar

Physical Description

Special abilities

Dendros has always been naturally gifted in more rugged and ruthless martial techniques, unlike the typical elf of Aerenal. This was most likely due to the genetic imprint of his father. Although being taught several methods of fighting that were traditional to Aerenal, Dendros never took to them easily. Instead, he took years to develop his own method of fighting based on the in-your-face martial techniques from his drow heritage and his attunement with spirits from his Aereni heritage. Through this process, Dendros can project his astral form into the physical plane to strike his enemies. This form looks like the image below.

Apparel & Accessories

Dendros keeps with him a ritual mask that was given to him by his mother and was given to her by his father. The mask's initial intent was for spiritual and ritual purposes. Due to the fact that it is the only it is his only form of remembrance of his parents, it is very significant to him and he keeps it on all the time. There are also practical uses for the mask. Not only does it help Dendros attune towards the astral plane better due to its spiritual nature, but it also serves as a symbol of fear for his enemies, leaving them in a constant state of terror and curiosity of what lies behind it.

Mental characteristics




Dendros is a trained mercenary and takes said work wherever he can, and to whoever can pay the most.

Personality Characteristics


After being tortured, abused, and traumatized by the Aereni due to his heritage, Dendros, with the help of his childhood friend Caelenna, escaped Aerenal and are currently on the run. Dendros, seeking vengeance from his time of suffering, wishes to expose the Aereni traditions as unethical and wishes to put an end to those who disagree with him via the reprisals that will follow his rage. In particular, he wishes to assassinate his great grandfather, Aereas, who is currently in line to be made a member of the Undying Court.


Contacts & Relations

Dendro's closest confidant is that of another Aereni elf by the name of Caelenna Velaryn. Caelenna was a childhood friend of Dendros who was trained by his own mother in the art of Bladesinging. Recently, however, he has figured out that along the lineage of his fathers side were members of House Vol, the house that manifested the Mark of Death.

Family Ties

The masked vigilante who keeps to himself. Dendros fuels his power through spiritual and martial training and his yearning for vengeance.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Jhaelian Nobility (Exiled)
90 Years
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Short, messy hair that is silvery grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
6' 4"
155 lbs.
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Elvish, Deep Speech

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