White Lions Organization in Eberron Next | World Anvil
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White Lions

The White Lions are the military police force tasked with maintaining order and with internal security in the nation of Karrnath. Although many areas in the nation have local law enforcement to handle common criminality, any serious crime is escalated to the White Lions. The Lions have their headquarters in the Karnathi capital of Korth and are lead, nominally, by an old general named Yorin Thaurman, who should have retired years ago. His second in command, a middle-aged musketeer named Agnete Bentstend, runs the day-to-day operation of the Lions.   After the Fall of the Tower of the Twelve, Regent Morenna declared martial law and gave the Lions broad authority in an effort to keep the peace through a tumultuous time. In the years since, Kaius ir’Wynarn III has come of age and martial law has been lifted (although, in Karrnath, does that really make a difference?), but the powers afforded the White Lions remain in effect. There are whispers that some Lions report directly to Lady Morenna even now (criminals speak of the Gray Lady and her Dark Lions with a kind of frightened reverence), but there is no official confirmation of this.   In Next, many members of the White Lions, especially the ones based in Korth, paint and powder their faces in an effort to appear beautifully androgynous. This practice might owe itself to the genesis of the The Stitched, as some presume, or it might be an attempt to emulate the almost preternaturally smooth and youthful skin that seems to run in the royal Wynarn family. Even more than the make-up, however, White Lions are known for their hair. They cultivate great "manes" of thick, lustrous hair - the bigger and curlier the better. While this iconic hair-style has never been fashionable outside of law-enforcement, Korth remains the best city in which to buy a wig in all of Khorvaire.  
Military Order


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Feb 5, 2022 12:59

hahahahahaha. White Lions.