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Session 1: Gang Wars

General Summary

Breeza summons the party to The Cracked Mirror. She explains there have been ongoing tensions between The Boromar Clan and The Daask, including a series of raids into each other's territory. Thanks to Tunruk 's examination of a recent attack, Breeza is now certain.

Breeza has collected information that each side will suffer attacks on civilian targets- something not done in Sharn- forcing them into an all-out war. She has also gotten word that two different contracts have been drawn up for House Tarkanan in Lower Dura. She has taken no further steps, as she is no longer certain who she can trust. She asks the party for help.

Ripper investigates the poison, but finds nothing of particular importance.
Toox looks for information on someone killed in a recent attack- he appeared homeless, and so she checked in the homeless camps in Lower Dura. After asking around she was brought before a leader in the camps who made it clear the person was not of the area, and that she should leave.
Tunruk visited Dovrug Thunderclap , a contact and mentor among the Daask. Tunruk shares everything and asks to speak directly with the Daask leader in Lower Dura, Bolar Darkhorn . Dovrug agrees to try.
Corzor visits Fran Reddigger , wife to the Boromar clan leader, "Tiny" Maycey. After a tense beginning, she has him delivered to an attack that occurred earlier that very evening. There, he meets Catrain Montagu , Tiny's enforcer. After another tense exchange, he shares details of what has been discovered so far. She gives Corzor a Boromar Clan Coin , and explains he can use that to find her later.
Celosia waits until morning, then calls upon Tiny through the normal requests for aid the Boromar offer. She talks her way to Tiny himself (leveraging the opening provided by Corzor). Tiny listens, but it is clear the Boromar courier Leo Boulderdown is less than impressed.

The party meet up the next evening at The Greenhouse, as agreed. They finish updating each other when they are interrupted by the arrivals of Bolar Darkhorn and "Tiny" Maycey in disguise. The party discover the two are, if not friends, at least close acquaintances. They share a few additional details. Tiny agrees to investigate Leo at the party's encouragement.

Not long after the pair leave, a message from Breeza arrives urging the party to return to the Cracked Mirror. She has word of a likely group of raiders, and the party move to attack. However, instead of the normal drugged up minions, the party finds a group of skilled mercenaries. The party is victorious, but discover the group is accompanied by a (now dead) member of House Tarkanan.

Rewards Granted

One Boromar Clan Coin
One mysterious Purple Lipstick
17 gold coins
Report Date
17 Mar 2020
Primary Location


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