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The Greenhouse

A greenhouse located in Middle Menthis, owned and operated by Ripper.
  From the street you see a building that is mostly obscured by a large hedge. A glass roof is visible just above the hedge and a portion of it has been trimmed back to reveal a door. The door looks worn, green scratches and stains appear both on the door and it's frame. Etched into the center of the door is a large intricate symbol. A knowledge Arcana check reveals:
DC: 5 - The symbol is some kind of magic rune that represents a magical discipline.
DC: 10 - The symbol relates to plants, animals and healing magic.
Dc: 15 - The symbol indicates that this is a practitioner of nature magic.

Anyone that passes a perception check (DC: 15) realizes that the scratches on the door frame are deliberate and appear to be some kind of message. Anyone who knows Druidic or uses magic can decipher the message which identifies this as a druid's home and that all plants and creatures within are under the protection of Ripper.

Upon entering the door you are greeted with a slightly overgrown green house. The floor is covered in lush grass, a stone pathway leads to a large flat stone off to one side near the front of the building where you entered. There is a workbench that contains a variety of tools and a small shelf with dirt stained books on it. All of the tools here are the equivalent of following: Herbalism Kit, Poisoners Kit and Healer's Kit. The books appear to be from the local library and are on topics of plants, animals and herbal remedies.
Along the stone paths on either side are plants of different sizes and shapes. A series of small worn logs seem to demarcate each grouping of plants forming a rough square frame around each section of plants. As above anyone that knows Druidic will recognize there is writing on the logs. In each case the writing identifies what plant is located within its borders and what harmful effects (if any) would be caused by someone touching and/or ingesting the plant.
At the midpoint of the greenhouse a floor to ceiling metal fence sections off the rest of the building. The gate sports a large impressive looking lock. A sign written in common states
"Rare Plants, Keep out!"

Anyone that knows Druidic can spot a small log resting under the sign that warns that the next area is extremely dangerous.

Anyone making the appropriate checks will recognize a couple of things about this gate
*The impressive lock possibly contains a poison dart trap.
*The entire gate actually sits within a second gate which is locked via a lever that sits just 10 feet on the opposite side of the gate
*The lever shows signs of being pulled on and operated via vines (ripper opens the gate using the Thorn Whip cantrip)

Anyone that makes it past the gate will find that there are indeed additional plants being grown in this section. There are two gardens in the back area that are partitioned with a low 3 foot wall. A low unlocked gate provides a way in and out of the garden on the far side. One of the gardens is filled with dream lily with a simple dirt path running down the center and the other is a mushroom garden composed mostly of giant mushrooms, with a path of stone pavers providing a path through the middle. One of the mushrooms present is actually a violet fungus named rose. Rose will attack anyone it detects (30ft blindsense only) that enters the garden but cannot move beyond the mushroom garden thanks to the gates and low wall.

If the lever is used to open the gate, the inner gate swings in such a way as to provide unhindered access to the dream lily garden. If the normal door is used it swings the other way hitting the low wall, forcing anyone coming in to walk through the mushroom garden, to reach the rest of the area.

Beyond the gardens there are is a small work bench on wheels covered in an assortment of surgical and tinker's tools. Next to the workbench there are four operating tables that each contain a body covered with a sheet. Beneath each sheet is a skeleton carefully dressed in an elegant outfit of traveler's clothes that cover them from head to toe, concealing their faces with a black faceless mask. On top of this each body is dressed in a set of spiked armor. The spikes are fashioned from bone and the helmets include a stylized faceplate that vaguely resembles a warforged. When active the eyes glow a dull red color. The weapons, armor and trinkets that go with each body are as follows:

Table 1
  • Male Human
  • Scimitar
  • Shield
  • Spiked Armor
  • A lute with no strings
Table 2
  • Female Elf
  • shortbow
  • arrows
  • Spiked Armor
  • A worthless necklace
Table 3
  • Male Half-orc
  • Spear
  • Shield
  • Spiked Armor
Table 4
  • Female Changling
  • Scimitar
  • Shield
  • Spiked Armor
  • Sling w/ sling stones
Parent Location


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