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Session 21: Notes and Offroading

General Summary

The party is enjoying breakfast the following morning in Ardev when a firblog approaches with a "Goodbye" Note from Ice. The party find the note a tiny bit odd, so they check his room and find all of Ice's belongings are scattered and the room shows signs of a severe struggle. The firblog explains he received the note from a group of kobolds. Everyone agrees this all looks 100% kosher and do not bring it up again. 

The party stop by an ogre food stall on their way out of town so Simon Twoorb can get some jerky. This leads into another long conversation with the ogres running the stand. In the meantime, Toox is slightly injured when a dead pigeon falls onto her head, pierced by an arrow. Understandably upset, Toox tracks down the culprits to a couple of other students from Great Wyvern Academy, thus cementing them as her most dangerous foes. 

The party then leaves Ardev on Edhellen and continues the journey toward Graywall. The roads are rough, but mostly empty after they get passed the initial traffic. A few hours outside of the town the party comes across a small boy with a huge pit fiend on a leash. The pit fiend leaves charred footprints in the ground and emanates a palpable evil, but the boy insists it's just the family cow. He likes to take it for walks. The party, at a loss for what else to do, leaves the boy to his stroll. Tarryn Rowntree , however, is rather shaken. Ripper vows to return.

Around lunchtime the group comes across a fork in the road that is not included on the map. There is a sign indicating travelers should leave the main road and take a barely worn trail that looks to add at least a day to their travels. A small group of merchants are debating what route to take, with one rather weak-willed individual insisting he'd already taken the alternate route once. Despite the delay, he insists, the trip was peaceful. Our party decides to stick with the original road. 

A few hours later the road is empty. The party sees something flying toward them in the distance. The object reveals itself to be a rather angry mage on the back of a wyvern. He yells at them to get off of his road. Tarryn, now thoroughly over these interruptions, speeds up the wagon to a breakneck speed. 
The wizard hurls ice storms at the party, damaging Ripper. Toox fires back and injures the mage. Tarryn, infuriated, hands the controls of the Edhellen to Celosia while the vehicle is still traveling at rather high speeds. He joins Toox in firing at the mage. Unfortunately, another round of ice storms forces Celosia off the road and flips the wagon. The party is spared extreme damage thanks to their featherfall tokens, a constant in any Sharn resident's pocket. The mage, unaware, makes a low pass to gloat over the fallen adventurers. Toox lands on her feet and finishes off the mage. The wyvern, suffering a blast of Confusion from Ripper and now without a rider, flies off.

Tarryn is beside himself trying to get the wagon upright before something catastrophic happens. Ripper has a quick solution, using plants to right the wagon in around 20 seconds. Celosia follows up with mending the damage before it can explode. Simon was in the back of the wagon and appears to have died- briefly- before Celosia's spells stabilized him. She sets up the towers for the evening and the party calls the day early to nurse their wounds and repair the wagon. 

Simon Twoorb slept the rest of the day and night.
Tarryn Rowntree rested atop the wagon before being coaxed into an actual bed by Celosia. After recovering and apologizing, Tarryn works to repair the Edhellen with Celosia's help, and agrees to start showing her how to operate the wagon.

The session ends on Day 11 at 6pm.
Report Date
03 Mar 2021
Secondary Location


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