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Session 41: Into the Mournlands

General Summary

After some debate and considerable preparation, the party begins their journey into the Mournland. They move through the mist on horseback, but run into problems with visibility and direction almost immediately. Spell casting and even spell-like abilities prove to be dangerous and deeply unreliable. 

After a journey that may have been minutes or hours, the party emerge from the mists into the mists into the Mournland proper. Ripper has taken the lead, being better suited than the others to navigating this wasteland. The party moves through a series of distinct areas bordered by a low wall of fog. Leaving each area gives a sense of inevitable movement, and Ripper is forced to choose between going left or right. He chooses left each time. The specifics of each area vary, but of particular import is Toox's aberrant dragonmark. The magics of the Mournland caused it to react. Toox focused hard, begging it not to go off, and instead caused an antimagic pulse. All magic in the area died suddenly, and took time to come back. Toox's dragonmark expanded, covering her entire arm, hand, shoulder, and up the side of her neck (this was of great interest to Karias Von Allmen). At the same time the surge responded to Celosia Senho, causing her horse to become a pegasus alicorn magic flying horse with a horn. It looks like a horn. Who can tell, really?

The last area entered appeared to be a small town trapped in the moments the blast from the Day of Mourning moved through the town. Karias and Celosia both looked a little too closely and were psychically injured in the process. The party moved into one last room, this one a blank white void, and considered taking a short rest there.
Report Date
04 Jan 2022
Primary Location


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