Geological, Biological, and Structural Integrity of Lightning Rail at KC Lat 817, Long 1497

TL;DR Version - There is a lot of issues up ahead. The document summarizes all the geological, fallen trees/shrubbery and marks all the repair locations in excruciating detail


Document is to provide a detailed analysis of the issues of the Lightning Rail track within 1500 yards of Lightning Rail Campground to Zelcer Fourflare. No report was ever required and just chalking the defective Conductor Stone was more than adequate.

Document Structure


Scientific document - breaks down the geological issues, determines defective Conductor Stones and places postion information for repair and removal of large biological masses.


If the report is ignored, then potential issues with the lightning rail will be problematic indefinitely until they are addressed.


Document is borrowed from DOI: 10.1007/s11629-013-2660-2 to get the scientific literature down a bit. Locations were changed from China to randomly generated names.

Publication Status

The publication is not officially released to governmental library systems. Currently is hand written only and requires formalized scripting before going into the library archives at Morgrave University - Wroat Campus

Legal status

Documentation is only useful within Breland. No other Kingdom or jurisdiction would find this infomation useful, unless lack of action hindered with their trade.

Historical Details


Status report to Zelcer Fourflare about the integrity of the Conductor Stones for the Lightning Rail


Vincent Zander background in science and research has made this document possible.

Public Reaction

What is this document?!? This has way too many words in it!


Someone might read this document in the future and that is all that really matters.


The report was intended to be enacted upon within the next few weeks otherwise the Lightning Rail will be unable to move through this section.
Report, Scientific
Authoring Date
3 Dravago 996YK
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