Letter to Verna Appleblossom

This is the document that Verna Appleblossom received when in Lightning Rail Campground when House O'brien had a mail service cart come to the settlement.

The letter was wrapped in local flowers and the paper was hand crafted from the nearby wood and bleached.

Inside was a picure of Portia Appleblossom with her new bear friend and a request for medicine.


Just a letter giving general information and a request for help.

Document Structure


If Verna Appleblossom is unable to find the Calcena Mushrooms or be able to pay off her debt immediately, Portia Appleblossom pet bear may get severely sick or die.

Publication Status

Private letter between Verna Appleblossom and Portia Appleblossom.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

  • None, not directly exposed to any other parties.
  • Legacy

    Portia Appleblossom pet bear can die causing Portia Appleblossom to further dislike Verna Appleblossom and her inability to do any correct actions.
    Text, Letter
    Signatories (Characters)

    This article has no secrets.


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