Aaren d'Cannith Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Aaren d'Cannith

Aaren d'Cannith was a member of House Cannith and son of Merrix d'Cannith, the creator of the Warforged. It was Aaren, though, who advanced his father's creation by giving sapience to the Warforged. Aaren protested what he saw as the abuse and enslavement of his creations, but his pleas were ignored. In 970 YK, Aaren was excoriated—formally disinherited from House Cannith. Following his expulsion, Aaren disappeared with diviners and inquisitives have found no traces of him.   Almiraj Squad found him in the Lord of Blades encampment outside Eston working to help them retake the city.   Source


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