Warforged Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Warforged are a relatively new race being created by House Cannith during The Last War in 965 YK for the purposes of warfare. The Warforged are sentient constructs and have free will, which earned them the same rights as human citizens in each of their homelands in 996 YK under the Treaty of Thronehold.   Source

Basic Information


The Warforged are made of stone, metal and wood fibers. The core of a Warforged is a skeletal frame made of metal and stone with wood fibers acting as a muscular system. Covering the Warforged is an outer shell of metal and stone plates. An internal network of tubes run through the Warforged's body, these tubes are filled with a blood like fluid that is designed to lubricate and nourish their systems. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb whilst their feet only have two broad toes.   The Warforged's face loosely resembles their human creators though they have a toothless jaw, heavy brow line and are lacking noses and hair. Each Warforged has a Ghulra engraved upon their foreheads when it came out of the Creation Forges. These Ghulra were not part of the design of the Warforged and it is unknown why they appear. Each of these runes are unique to the Warforged giving them a sense of individuality and if damaged or destroyed they grow back.   The Warforged have a sexless form and are considered to be mono-gender but many take on a masculine or feminine gender identity. The Warforged are able to be repaired and modified by artificers or even themselves giving them an endless possibility to their appearances.


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