Church of the Sovereign Host Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Church of the Sovereign Host

The dominant religion of Khorvaire they worship the pantheon of the Sovereign Host. Adherents recognize the Nine Sovereigns:  
  • Arawai, the Sovereign of Life and Love, the patron of fertility. She represents the benign side of nature and brings good weather and bountiful harvests.
  • Aureon, the Sovereign of Law and Lore. Believed to be the first wizard, he revealed the secrets of magic to the world.
  • Balinor, the Sovereign of Horn and Hunt, the patron of those who follow the border between nature and civilization. He guides hunters and wild beasts alike.
  • Boldrei, the Sovereign of Hall and Hearth. She is guide and protector of family and community and encourages folk to work together for the good of all.
  • Dol Arrah, the sun that drives away darkness. She represents wisdom in battle and is patron of those who seek justice, fight with honor, and make sacrifices for others.
  • Dol Dorn, the Sovereign of Strength and Steel, the patron of the ordinary soldier. He represents bravery, strength, skill at arms, and aids those who wield weapons.
  • Kol Korran, the Sovereign of World and Wealth, guide and protector for traders and travelers and supporter of fair negotiation.
  • Olladra, the Sovereign of Feast and Fortune, the patron of entertainers, gamblers, and risk-takers. She bestows luck and spreads joy.
  • Onatar, the Sovereign of Fire and Forge. He inspires all who create and aids artificers, craftsmen, and smiths.
Religious, Pantheon


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