Angelus ir'Bandras Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Angelus ir'Bandras

In life Angelus ir'Bandras was a scion of the ir'Bandras family and paladin of The Sovereign Host. As a stalwart defender of Cyre fighting on both the Western and Eastern front during The Last War. During The Mourning his physical body was destroyed but his soul somehow merged with his shield. His desire to defend Cyre allowed him to animate his old armor and continue patrolling The Mournland looking for invaders.   He encountered Almiraj Squad in 998 and Blessing was able to convince Angelus that Cyre as he knew it was gone. The former-paladin agreed to travel with them as long as they swore they were true friends of Cyre and would help him in his quest to defend his home.   His faith in the Sovereigns is not shaken and he still invokes Dol Arrah and Dol Dorn, believing they have given him the chance to serve his country even after death.

Personality Characteristics


Angelus is a die hard patriot of Cyre and wishes to defend his country, even after its destruction.
Year of Death
994 YK
Aligned Organization


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