Darguun Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Darguun is a nation that broke off from Cyre during the Last War, when goblin mercenaries seized the region for their own. The nation has become a host for many members of their race seeking a homeland, including hobgoblins and bugbears.   Source


Darguun is made up of a patchwork of clans, each clan led by a local warlord. These lords often, but not always, swear fealty to a greater warlord in a quasi feudal relationship, but the warlord holds absolute authority in the lands that he or she controls. The leader of the nation of Darguun is the Lhesh Haruuc Shaarat'kor . Haruuc leads the young and volatile nation through a combination of martial prowess and a deft negotiation with many, but not all of these warlords.


The nation is almost unique in Khorvaire as it practices slavery, in direct violation of the Treaty of Thronehold. Technically, Lhesh Haruuc Shaarat'kor abolished the practice in the capital of Rhukaan Draal , but each warlord chooses whether to permit slavery with the local clans borders or not. Slaves are treated as cattle in this land with no rights and an ever-present need for more to be delivered or captured. The land is currently united by the warlord Lhesh Haruuc but expected to explode into violence with the death of its current war chief.
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