Dolurrh Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Realm of the Dead is the plane where the souls of most mortals go when they die, neither as a reward nor as a punishment, but simply a place. Spirits are drawn to Dolurrh within moments of death and their memories being to decay almost immediately. Within days most spirits no longer have any desire to leave Dolurrh and within weeks most only have the faintest memories of their previous lives.   The faiths of Aerenal and the Blood of Vol assert that Dolurrh is the absolute end of existence, the last echoes of a life before it's completely gone. But when Dorius Alyre ir'Korran drew his classic planar map he used the Octogram symbol of the Sovereign Host to represent Dolurrh, because he declared it to be the door through which all mortals must pass to join with the Sovereigns. This has come to be a common view: what appears to be the memory fading is actually the soul slowly ascending to a higher form of existence, rising to a level of reality no mortal can experience.   The Vassals of the Sovereign Host say the faithful finally join the Sovereigns; followers of The Silver Flame say that noble souls strengthen the Flame. What is left is only a husk - the cast-off remnants or the traces of memory that can be read casting speak with dead. Thus while Dolurrh has long been known as the Realm of the Dead, many call it the Gateway. Ultimately, this is a matter of faith - whether the other side of Dolurrh is oblivion or paradise, no one ever returns from it.   Source: Exploring Eberron
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of the Dead, The Gateway
Dimensional plane


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