Haldon and Rickard Prose in Eberron | World Anvil
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Haldon and Rickard

"Roc Squad have improved beyond their initial bickering but they'll probably crack when under pressure again. 5 Galifars says that they botch their graduation assignment and all blame each other." "You know I don't bet on our recruits , it would compromise my impartiality." Commander Colworn  gave his best stern expression from behind his field desk but he knew that Haldon wouldn't take it seriously. It was good practice at least.   "Bah, you have your favorites and misfits same as the rest of us. You did everything you could to make Zakakaz wash out!"   Colworn intensified his glower, "That's different, Warforged aren't people, they're machines of war. Now that the war is over they have no business being in society, let alone in the Citadel . Regardless, finish your report Sergeant."   The halfling looked like he wanted to press the Warforged issue but stopped. Colworn knew he'd served alongside several in the Red Cloaks and had a blind spot for them. "Hippogriff squad is doing well. While they don't have the unit strength to operate independently, they would serve the Citadel well distributed between the Shields and the Wands.   "Lastly, Almiraj Squad shows the most potential. Esut has slipped into a leadership role and keeps spirits high with his wise cracking. He comes off as dependable but I still have reservations given his classified recommendation.   "Felryn is very clever but keeps relying on his gadgets even when I assign training that is supposed to be done without aid.   "Emilie  takes I throw at her with a smile and hasn't shown even a crack under pressure. Either she has tremendous mental fortitude or she is literally insane. Her Mark of Stealth and Druidic magic make her a valuable recruitment opportunity regardless.   "Blessing  the Tiefling is a question. I'm tempted to fail him because of his mental hang-ups around that hideous mask. He wasn't supposed to be recruited after all. But the rest of the group cares for him and the units cohesion might suffer if I washed him out. As long as he's wearing the mask he's competent but without it he's useless. It's a glaring weak spot that might get him or his squad killed someday.   "Overall I'd say they could do well with the Swords or the Dark Lanterns . Given that Blessing would have trouble blending in with that damn mask on all the time I'd lean toward Swords where they'd operate openly."   With his report finished Haldon stood at parade rest while he waited to be dismissed but unfortunately there was one more item to discuss. Colworn reached into a drawer and pulled out the bottle of Fireroot whiskey and two glasses. Haldon's face went pale and he trembled slightly then he pulled over a chair and collapsed into it. "Fuck, who is it this time."   Colworn poured a generous helping into each glass and passed one to Haldon. "Wolf Squad, they were captured and executed in Droaam. Only Duran made it out."   Haldon's eyes flashed with rage, "Why in Dol Dorn's name were they in Droaam? That monster filled hell-hole is way too dangerous for kids that green!"   "They weren't green Haldon, they graduated 3 years ago. And, before you keep going, they had adequate supports, they knew the risks, and you trained them well as anyone could. Soldiers still die in a cold war just as well as a hot one." Colworn took a large swallow and savored the warmth of the Fireroot going down.   Pacified, Haldon lowered his eyes to stare at his drink. "You're right Commander, but why doesn't the King send Argonth that direction and we take our damn territory back. No more pussyfooting around, get the job done right so we stop losing good people keeping those monsters in check."   "It's not that simple, think about it. If we left the Eastern borders undefended Thrane and Aundair would be tempted to rekindle the Last War. Lots of people still think this peace is just a cease-fire and we can't afford to show weakness to potential invaders. Nevermind what arcane monstrosities could come over the border from the Mournland . For now Droaam doesn't have enough national unity to field an army and good soldiers like Wolf Squad make sure it stays that way."   The Halfing sat in silence for a while, sipping his Fireroot. Eventually he spoke with a tremble in his voice, "They were good soldiers. Remember when Riki and Oarsen cast enlarge on Bluebell while she was still in my tent?" He gave a hearty chuckle. "I made the whole squad peel potatoes for a month! The cook told me they swore it was worth it to get one over on that 'stuck up, one-legged asshole.'"   Colworn allowed himself a grin, "Nothing bonds a squad together like a shared hatred of their sergeant. And you have a gift for inspiring hate Haldon the Bloody." He raised his glass in toast, "To Wolf Squad, troublemakers and heroes!"   Haldon clinked his glass with his commanders'. "To Wolf Squad, rest in glory with Dol Arrah."


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