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Sample of LoreBot Recordings

Aryth 3, 998 YK   "I pressed the switch sar'roo (little friendly stranger) Felryn indicated, what now? Is it recording?"   [Two hobgoblins, two bugbears, and two goblins are standing together looking at LoreBot. Designating them as Hogoblin 1, hobgoblin 2, bugbear 1, bugbear 2, goblin 1, and goblin 2. They armed and armored but do not appear to be hostile. The setting is a square stone room approximately 30 feet…]   "What is that noise it's making? Is it talking?"   "Yes, that's the language the gath'dar (not of the people) were using."   "It's annoying, how do we shut it up?"   […bugbear 2 is striking LoreBot's chassis. Damage is minimal. Continued strikes may cause system errors. Issuing cease and desist command. Cease and desist bugbear…]   "Don't break it Graal! We need it to help convince the Lheshi (High Warlords) of the Skai'Kurar (Great Death). Let's turn it off for now."  

Vult 9, 998 YK

  [Large gathering of creatures detecting, powering on. The view is a meeting chamber with a stone table and many goblinoids seated around it. LoreBot appears to be in a box that has been just opened. There are 13 individuals in total, seating and clothing indicate a social hierarchy...]   "What is that thing?"   "It is an artificial creature created by the sar'roo Felryn we told you about. He was a daashot (artificer) with abilities far beyond our own."   "Why is it making noise?"   "That's the language of the gath'dar. The creature is trying to talk to us for some reason. I will deactivate it."   […goblin 1 is reaching toward LoreBot's power switch. Overriding manual shutoff, large gathering takes priority. Goblin 1 is pressing the switch repeatedly…]   "What is the problem Senen?"   "I don’t know Lhesh Razu, it may be defective. It seems to be stuck in recording mode."   "Recording? Khaavolaar! (a curse, literally 'Blood of the word') This creature is a spy?!"   "No Lhesh Razu! It is a tool given to us by the sar'roo Felryn. If you can give me a moment…"   "This is clearly a Draguus (Dragon) plot. 'Never trust a Draguus bearing gifts.' I say we destroy it."   […goblin one is closing the box. Visuals are obstructed, powering down to conserve charge…]  

Vult 16, 998 YK

  "Felryn, hopefully this still works. The Lheshi didn't believe our story. They are convinced the book is a Draguus forgery and that your helper is a mechanical spy. They burned the book but I saved a few pages. I've smuggled them and the helper out of the city."   [Goblin 1 is sitting on a plain bed inside a small room. No other creatures are in sight. Sounds indicate this is a common living area, possibly an inn or tavern…]   "Our task group has been disbanded and scattered so I'm on my own now. I will try to find other allies to prepare for the Skai'Kurar. The fate of the Empire depends on it!"  

Therandor 8, 1,017 YK

  [Goblin 1 is in a cave and has brought a small goblin child. Designating as Goblin 34. Bond appears familiar and possibly maternal. Likely that Goblin 34 is Goblin 1's son...]   "Fenic, this is the helper that sar'roo Felryn gave us. It is proof of my stories and records information. He and Belaluur warned us of the Skai'Kurar and asked us to send recordings to them."   [Goblin 34 is putting his hands on LoreBot's chassis. Optics are becoming smudged. No damage but recommend cleaning to maintain clear picture…]   "Niianu (mother), will the Skai'Kurar hurt us?"   "No gaate (son). It will not come for over a thousand years and we will be long dead. But The Empire will be in danger and we must spread the warning before it is too late."  

Dravago 1, 1,463

  [LoreBot power restored. Dragonshard core has been replaced, estimated power remaining: 82 years. Many goblinoids are in the temple. They are facing a shrine with LoreBot placed prominently within. Total count 212 individuals. Bugbear 289 is wearing loose robes and leading the group in synchronized movements and singing. Notable attendees are Goblin 311, Goblin 314, Hobgoblin 114…]  

Lharvion 22, 1,884 YK

  "This is the idol your Rasat'Doovol (Future Truth) cult worships?"   "It is no idol Lhevket (Elder Warlord)! It is the relic Chazee given to us by The Felryn."   [Goblin 1,343 is standing with a new hobgoblin. Designating as Hobgoblin 843. They stand in the backroom of the temple facing LoreBot on the shrine...]   "And these are the original pages of your holy book?"   "Yes Lhevket, The Belaluur gave it to us. It tells the future history of the dar and foretells the Skai'Kurar."   "And you believe that the Empire will be invaded from Xoriat and fall in another five hundred years?"   "Yes Lhevket! My great ancestor Senen met the Prophets centuries ago and warned her. Just as I am warning you now!"  

Eyre 14, 2,483 YK

  "Oh Great Felryn, the Shai'Kurar you warned of is finally upon us! Abominations have been sighted throughout the Empire. Fortunately Kech Volaar has been preparing for this day and we are leaving for the shelters in the Blade Mountains."   […Hobgoblin 4,342 is gesturing to a historical map of Khorvaire. It depicts the boundaries of the fallen Dhakaan Empire. His finger points to a mountain range in the south east between modern day Talenta and Q'Barra…]   "We shall seal one of the memory stones in the foundation of Chaal'Ull as you instructed. We are bringing Chazee with us and will bury more memory stones at the shelter in case we perish. Look for a monument with your name inscribed."


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