The Last War Military Conflict in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Last War

In 894 YK the King Jarot ir'Wynarn of Galifar died and the succession of his daughter Princess Mishann of Cyre was contested. This led to a conflict between Breland, Cyre, Aundair, Thrane, and Karrnath.   After the apocalyptic events of The Mourning that destroyed Cyre in 994 YK the remaining nations ceased hostilities and came to the negotiating table.   The Last War officially ended in 996 YK with the Treaty of Thronehold which dissolved Galifar and recognized 12 sovereign nations in Khorvaire.   Many believe that the peace will not last and it's only a matter of time before The Next War begins.
Conflict Type
Start Date
894 YK
Ending Date
996 YK


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