Cyre Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Cyre was a former kingdom in the southeast of the continent of Khorvaire , and one of the Five Nations. The entire realm was destroyed at the end of the Last War by a cataclysmic event known as The Mourning , and is now known as the Mournland. At its height, Cyre once included parts of what are now Valenar and Darguun.   Source


Like most of Khorvaire, worship of the Sovereign Host was the majority religion in Cyre, although a significant minority followed the Silver Flame. Cyran culture values diversity, and Cyrans consider themselves to incorporate elements of culture from all over Khorvaire. Cyran fashion is similar to Aundairian fashion, but focuses more on the bright colors and less on flamboyance. Almost everyone owns and wears a pair of gloves, completely covering the fingers; a handshake from an ungloved Cyran hand means an ally for life.   Cyre was also well known for its manufacturing and artificer traditions, in part because of House Cannith's ancestral seat of power in Eston.


Cyre was originally a kingdom of its own, and one of the Five Nations. Then King Galifar I came and united the Five Nations by conquest to form the Kingdom of Galifar. Under Galifar's system of succession, Cyre became a province, and was ruled by one of the children of the current king. Over the centuries, a tradition formed that the governor-prince of Cyre was the child that would become the next King of Galifar. For centuries, Cyre was the jewel in the crown of Galifar, a fertile land renowned for its craft and culture.   After King Jarot's death in 894 YK, his daughter Mishann, governor-prince of Cyre, should have, by all rights and traditions, assumed the throne, but she was prevented from doing so by her ambitious siblings. This conflict over who should inherit the throne of Galifar ignited the Last War between Cyre, who supported Mishann, and the other Five Nations. Cyre was pressed on all sides during the Last War, but it was able to hold its own thanks to its wealth. Cyre was one of the main nations behind the development of Warforged . It fielded warforged-only armies to help fight, and it also hired mercenary armies to help hold off the other nations. However, this strategy wound up costing Cyre. Cyre's hired elf mercenaries annexed the southeastern part of the country for themselves in 956 YK to create the nation of Valenar. Almost a decade later in 969 YK, a hobgoblin mercenary chieftain Haruuc Shaarat'kor named rebelled with his goblinoid army and formed the nation of Darguun from the southwest of Cyre.   By the end of the Last War, Cyre was struggling to sustain its war efforts, beset on all sides by warring nations, and it began pouring money into House Cannith's development of a much larger version of the warforged titan, known as a warforged colossus. The colossi were first deployed in 994 YK, but the Mourning occurred before they could be used to their full potential.   On 20 Olarune in 994 YK, the nation of Cyre was wiped out in a magical catastrophe, later dubbed the Day of Mourning. While the causes of this event are unknown, and accounts of what actually happened that day vary, by the end of the day, Cyre was covered in mist and anything caught within the mists was killed or transformed. Over a million Cyrans died, including Queen Dannel of Cyre, as well as troops from Thrane, Breland , and Karrnath. The survivors were those outside of Cyre's borders, or those able to flee Cyre quickly through mundane or magical means. The new nations of Darguun and Valenar were not affected.   Survivors have dispersed across Khorvaire, with some traveling as far as Stormreach in Xen'drik. Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn , son of Queen Dannel, rules New Cyre in Breland, a camp containing the largest concentration of Cyran refugees, but Cyre as a nation is gone. Many of the survivors still harbor grudges against all the other Five Nations over the Last War and their treatment following the Day of Mourning. Many of the other nations turned away Cyran refugees or were concerned that Cyrans were a possible threat.
Founding Date
1 YK
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Jewel of Galifar
Subsidiary Organizations


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