Eberron Travel to Dannel
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Travel to Dannel

Population Migration / Travel


Almiraj Squad buys their rented horses and travel south to Kennrun at the border of Darguun. From there they along the poorly-maintained road and have several skirmishes with goblins from the Wolfgut Tribe. They kill all but a goblin named Prolx who they let go after claiming their fighting was a tragic misunderstanding. Prolx also told them that Cyran prisoners were taken south to be sold at The Gathering Stone    Two days into Darguun they come upon Dannel, a new force created by Cyran Expeditionary Force. They have been raided by goblins and had 8 casualties and 32 captured, including their magewright in charge of communication. Almiraj Squad agreed to go look for the captured Cyrans and with Isabelle ir'Lara coming with them.

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