Eberron Campaign Timeline Timeline
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Campaign Timeline

Timeline of The King's Citadel Campaign.

  • 998 YK

    7 Zarantyr

    Campaign Begins

    Blessing, Emilie , Esut, and Felryn awaken in jail cells at the start of the campaign.

    Baran's Keep
    Additional timelines
  • 998 YK

    8 Zarantyr
    998 YK

    23 Olarune

    Boot Camp
    Life, Career

    Our heroes begin boot camp for The King's Citadel in Baran's Keep. They choose the name Almiraj Squad and are trained by Drill Sergeant Haldon the Bloody for 6 weeks. For their graduation assignment they are sent to hunt an Owlbear. After graduation they are ordered to Wroat to be inducted into The King's Swords

    Baran's Keep
  • 998 YK

    7 Olarune

    Cyran Expeditionary Force departs

    The Cyran Expeditionary Force leaves New Cyre to settle in northern Darguun .

  • 998 YK

    24 Olarune

    Joins the King's Swords
    Life, Organisation Association

    Almiraj Squad is inducted into The King's Swords by King Boranel il'Wynarn. Afterwards they are given their first mission by Captain Ellanar.

  • 998 YK

    25 Olarune
    998 YK

    28 Olarune

    Travel to New Cyre
    Population Migration / Travel

    Almiraj Squad leave Wroat and travel to Starilaskur via the The Lightning Rail. On the way Emilie meets a Mysterious Tairnadal Elf who suggests that she leave the lesser races and travel with him to Aerenal, she declines. From Starilaskur they rent horses to ride to New Cyre.   In New Cyre they meet with Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn and are briefed on the missing  Cyran Expeditionary Force.

    New Cyre
  • 998 YK

    1 Therendor
    998 YK

    6 Therendor

    Travel to Dannel
    Population Migration / Travel

    Almiraj Squad buys their rented horses and travel south to Kennrun at the border of Darguun. From there they along the poorly-maintained road and have several skirmishes with goblins from the Wolfgut Tribe. They kill all but a goblin named Prolx who they let go after claiming their fighting was a tragic misunderstanding. Prolx also told them that Cyran prisoners were taken south to be sold at The Gathering Stone    Two days into Darguun they come upon Dannel, a new force created by Cyran Expeditionary Force. They have been raided by goblins and had 8 casualties and 32 captured, including their magewright in charge of communication. Almiraj Squad agreed to go look for the captured Cyrans and with Isabelle ir'Lara coming with them.

  • 998 YK

    7 Therendor
    998 YK

    16 Therendor

    Travel to The Gathering Stone
    Population Migration / Travel

    Almiraj Squad traveled south along the broken road. A couple days in they came across a group of goblins and bugbears fighting a Mournland Abomination. They helped defeat it and earned the thanks of the surviving goblins including Prolx who they had let go earlier.   She gave them a banner of safe passage from the Wolfgut Tribe to display and they declined her invitation to come back to be honored by Chief Glurm.   Several days later they passed through Skullreave with no incidents other than strange looks and after another week rode into The Gathering Stone

  • 998 YK

    16 Therendor

    Visiting The Gathering Stone

    Upon reaching The Gathering Stone, Almiraj Squad's first order of business was to make contact with The King's Swords via Sending Stone. They asked the local House Deneith mercenaries and found out that there was a Sending Stone station kept in Barknor Stronghold and they could pay a fee for access.   Investigating the market the heroes found Kimril Magewright's arcane focus sold at a market stall. They bought it and later bribed the shopkeep to tell them where he got it from and he directed them to a Wolfgut Tribe camp. They went there and Emilie  found evidence the prisoners were there by sniffing around as a dire wolf. Blessing  socialized with the goblins and bugbears and found out that they sold 20 of the prisoners to the Shadow Eaters and the other 12 to the Green Skulls.   They were also accosted by a mourntouched hobgoblin who rambled on about someone who warned his unit to leave Cyre but they didn't listen. Asking him for a description the found out that The Watchman may be a Warforged.

  • 998 YK

    18 Therendor

    Bridge Battle
    Military action

    Almiraj Squad refused to pay a toll at a bridge outside Rhukaan Draal. They killed all the goblins guarding the bridge and burned the bridge itself down.

  • 998 YK

    19 Therendor

    Visiting Rhukaan Draal

    Almiraj Squad arrived in Rhukaan Draal and visited the Pig and Bacon tavern to make contact with their informants from the the Dark Lanterns. They found out that the Green Skulls were in The Khraal to the southeast and the Shadow Eaters were to the southwest among the mountains. They decided to pursue the Green Skulls first.

  • 998 YK

    3 Eyre

    Visiting Warden Keep

    Almiraj Squad arrived at Warden Keep and discovered a group of Warforged designated as Noble Team still guarded it. Noble Team thought that The Last War was still ongoing. They pledged loyalty to what remains of Cyre and were left to hold the Keep as a safe haven for refugees that are rescued.

  • 998 YK

    9 Eyre
    998 YK

    15 Eyre

    Visiting Rheklor
    Diplomatic action

    Almiraj Squad witnessed Valenar elves fighting with a group of Green Skull goblins. They waited on the sidelines and provided slight support for the elves. Afterward they took a surviving goblin prisoner and claimed to have saved him.   He led them back to their town of Rheklor where they met Lhesh Vrylk and Eleanor. They had a nice dinner with Eleanor where she explained her plans for Rheklor to become a thriving port and for the Green Skulls to take control of Darguun. She proposed that Breland and Cyre cooperate with her and Almiraj Squad she they would consider it.

  • 998 YK

    9 Dravago
    998 YK

    13 Dravago

    Confronting the Shadow Eaters
    Military action

    Almiraj Squad found the lair of the Shadow Eaters and discovered that they were a cult worshipping Kyrzia, one of the Daelkyr. They are also led by a group of Tieflings with their patriarch known as Father Ezzon.   In the end they found new allies in Belaluur and Dorgenen. With their help the Daelkyr Cult was eradicated and most of the Cyran prisoners were saved.

  • 998 YK

    22 Dravago
    998 YK

    1 Nymm

    Unicorn Squad is Reassigned to Arythawn Keep
    Population Migration / Travel

    Unicorn Squad was reassigned from their training assignment at Baran's Keep to Arythawn Keep. Their new mission was to help find the Lord of Blades.

  • 998 YK

    5 Nymm

    Incident at Warden's Keep

    Upon returning to Warden Keep Isabelle ir'Lara ordered Noble Team to arrest Esut for murdering two members of the Cyran Expeditionary Force. Fortunately Blessing  was able to negotiate a trial back in Breland.

  • 998 YK

    11 Barrakas

    Esut on Trial
    Political event

    Esut was put in trial before the leaders of The King's Citadel for murdering two members of the Cyran Expeditionary Force. Oargev ir'Wynarn served as prosecutor and Isabelle ir'Lara testified against him. He was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

  • 998 YK

    18 Barrakas

    Esut recruited to The King's Shadows
    Life, Organisation Association

    Esut was recruited by Terra to join The King's Shadows and released from prison.

  • 998 YK

    25 Barrakas
    998 YK

    24 Sypheros

    Time Off in Sharn
    Gathering / Conference

    Almiraj Squad spent most of their time-off between assignments in Sharn. Emilie spent time at the zoo. Blessing wrote The True History of Gnomes. Belaluur researched the history of her people. Felryn created several magic items including Dolly.

  • 998 YK

    25 Sypheros

    Expedition to the Mournland

    Almiraj Squad travelled into The Mournland in search of the missing Zakakaz.