Ardillon Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Envoy

Near the end of the war, House Cannith needed greater resources and even greater diplomats to procure them. Their personnel stretched thin, their Magewrights solved this problem the only way they knew how, through arcane engineering. They built a state-of-the-art, limited run of Warforged designed to translate and assist in negotiations with d’Cannith brand precision. These new arcane-tech Envoys could adopt friendlier faces for tough negotiations; mimic regional speech patterns to interface with clients better; and above all else, analyze their situation and calculate a variety of outcomes. This line was built to show what Warforged could be beyond the battlefield while still having that ingrained, overwhelming drive to achieve their handler’s objectives.   Ardillon was created to be the diplomatic aide for Ambassador Gevlark d’Cannith, stationed at a House consulate in New Throne. Gevlark’s mission was to maintain contracts for resources important to the manufacturing of war materiel. These contracts procured large quantities of dragonshards for Baron Zorlan d'Cannith’s weapon research division, soarwood for the airship production yards, and even darkwood from Falcon’s Hollow. While his mission was vital, Gevlark was languid. More and more often, he would rely on Ardillon’s advanced functionalities to do his regular work.   First the ambassador would give his Warforged Envoy days of his paper work, in months time it was handling minor meetings for him. Eventually, Gevlark would have Ardillon attending high level meetings disguised as himself so he could enjoy the perks of his position in peace. Despite this immeasurable workload, the Envoy found himself reveling in unparalleled freedom. With the ambassador left in blissful ignorance, Ardillon could engage his tasks with fewer boundaries overtime. Ardillon’s war became one of distant offices and parties, where endless numbers marched across spreadsheets and loose lips sank deals. He was far from the battlelines and his fellow Warforged. His only comrades in arms were the cork boards that hosted his Machiavellian conspiracies.   As the war entered its final fever pitch, raw resources ballooned in cost and regular shipments became difficult to maintain. Greater demands from the central house rained down on the ambassador’s (at this point, Ardillon’s) desk. If he didn’t meet his quotas, they’d send someone much more competent than Gevlark to replace him. His replacement might hem in Ardillons new found operational freedoms. His analytical mind raced for answers to the trials of late war procurement, and over and over he found himself hitting the final barrier. The law, the system of diplomacy and economics he had gamed for years had to be overcame if he was to ever meet House Cannith’s quotas.   So he took on more illicit methods to sate the Cannith warmachine’s hunger for resources. He would impersonate, defraud, steal, whatever it took to make ends meet. This is where he met many of his future criminal contacts, on the black market or in seedy taverns where hard deals had to be made. This new life of crime hardened him, but also made him gave him the greatest feeling of freedom he had ever had. Ardillon had chosen to break the law, break his boundaries. All he had to do was keep the operation running smoothly and House Cannith would never have to know he had broken his leash. In the back of his mind, however, he knew the day would come when they’d find out. They would send for the ambassador, recall him back, or even send more aides to help expand “his” successful operation. In moments of stillness, Ardillon would make silent plans of escape for when this inevitability came to pass.   This, however, wasn’t to be. The Day of Mourning, a terrible ending for most, was as liberating for Ardillon as the treaty following was liberating to the Warforged. The expectations dropped, requests for new shipments went dead silent. The House was dead, and he was free. In the end, after making so many plans of escape, all he had to do was walk out the consulate doors and let Gevlark wake from his drunken slumber.   The following years were a blur of freelancing thrill. It was the easiest job to take up in New Throne for him, and he had been introduced to the concept by a Changling named Gortio (although he would never admit this to him). Not only did Ardillon have great operational freedom, he also got to choose what missions he took. Of course, he only took what interested him, what would give him more influence or let him explore society in a new way. One such job came in from Cauldron, one about the rescuing the Dwarf of a doomed crusade from the Underdark. Perfect way to test his programmed knowledge of Undercommon.    


  • Continuation of personal freedom, could blossom into freedom for all Warforged if given the right influence.
  • Identifying and learning the truth of conspiracies. Ardillon finds conspiracies, real ones at least, entertaining puzzles to be solved. False conspiracies can still be entertaining based on who is to benefit from their falseness.
  • Seeing his own plans, small and large, come to fruition. Ardillon enjoys being the hidden force that causes a coin to land on its side. He finds it to be an expression of his own individual power. He’ll help others in their own schemes to find that same satisfaction.
  • Maintaining his own privacy. Ardillon likes to keep control, especially over his own information. Will disguise himself regularly, takes different routes to regular locations, prefers to not be seen as a Warforged.


* Hugo Crudaker: An older human lawyer from Cyre. A patriot who went to New Throne only after the Mourning and has been trying to ply his trade ever since. Documentation on him his scant due to the destruction of any administration or office that would have had it. Unmarried, no children, disappears and pops up where ever and whenever needed.   People of Interest * Gortio: Ardillon met Gortio during his Envoy days, worked with him near the end of the war to con several ships worth of resources from one shipping company or rival House. Gave him the inspiration to do freelancing after the war was over, apply his talents to a similar trade. Has maintained a competitive but professional working relationship over the years. Their relationship outside of work is a rivalry fraught with snide insults and constant one-upping.   * Gevlark d’Cannith: Ardillon left him in the consulate of the defunct House Cannith when news of the Mourning arrived and never looked back. He barely bothered to keep tabs on him, doesn’t view the old lush of an ambassador as a threat.
Year of Birth
991 YK 7 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Constructed by House Cannith in a Creation Forge
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