Session 20: Into the Underdark Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 20: Into the Underdark

General Summary

Sypheros 21 - 26

New Adventurers Join the Party

Jenya Urikas sends a letter to Tim 's family informing of his death. Funeral preparations begin.   Lord Vhalantru hires Ardillon, a shapeshifting warforged, to join the party on the mission to rescue Zenith Splintershield. Ardillon brings an accomplice, Faux.  


Following an enchanted map from Crazy Jared, the party journeys by foot. Their trek takes them along the Torva River, and they are ambushed by lizardfolk hunters. Then, the map takes them up into the Endworld Mountains.  

Sypheros 26


The party reaches the Pit of the Seven Jaws. Gwen Frost picks the simple lock on the grate, and they descend a long winding staircase into the Khyber Underdark.   Elven voices alert the party to approach cautiously, and Ardillon disguises himself as a Drow. He meets a camp of five Drow slavers, and convinces them to let him travel with the group. When his watch comes in the night, he signals the party and they attack - slaughtering most of the Drow in their sleep, they capture the Drow leader, Lady Maltrea ir'Lhalbar.  

Sypheros 27

The party interrogates Lady Maltrea ir'Lhalbar to learn more about her House and the Temple of Bhal-Hamatugn. After learning all they can, Ardillon kills her. Ardillon disguises himself as her, and the rest of the party dons Drow disguises (except for Cadrug ).

Rewards Granted

+ 145 XP
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
07 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters