Crimson Leaf tribe Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Crimson Leaf tribe

The Crimson Leaf tribe originally inhabited the jungles between Whitecliff and Falcon’s Hollow - a stretch of 100 miles where the trees take on the crimson and rose hues of the magical dragonshard crystals in the soil. Unfortunately for the tribe, frequent raids by the Poison Dusk lizardfolk meant that many goblins ended up getting eaten. To escape the claws of “the scalies”, the Crimson Leaves took refuge in Falcon’s Hollow. Over the past two decades, the tribe became an integral part of the lumber town, providing ingenious skills with machinery, even if the bladed contraptions have a tendency to malfunction…


Former inhabitants of Crimson Leaf Forest, the jungles south of Falcon's Hollow.
Geopolitical, Tribe
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