House Kundarak Bank, Cauldron Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Kundarak Bank, Cauldron

Managed by the Banking Guild of House Kundarak.   The guild supplies letters of credit, offers and endorses loans, exchanges currencies (such as to more transportable forms like gems or bills of exchange), and makes available secure vaults for holding riches.  

Banking Guild Standard Account

  Opening a standard bank account takes a few hours of paperwork with representatives of House Kundarak. Your funds will be accessible at any House Kundarak Banking Guild location. You'll need to present a signet ring to withdraw funds (they can issue multiple rings if each party member wants one) - each ring costs 9 sp and is magically inscribed for security.    

Kundarak Linked Vaults

  The Banking Guild also provides a safe-deposit vault service that allows clients and those they nominate to deposit and retrieve items from any Kundarak bank. The vaults are magically linked to each other, allowing customers to access their items no matter where they first deposited it. A magical password given to the client grants access to the vault. Rental of such a vault costs 1 gp per day. Individual objects are limited to no more than 1 Bulk (10 Pounds).  


Interest rates are currently 10%.
Bank / Treasury
Parent Location
Owning Organization