Session 10: Festering Festival Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 10: Festering Festival

General Summary

Rhaan 5th - 8th Downtime

Sir Tim speaks to the townsfolk of Falcon's Hollow, learning about the political climate and rumours that incumbent mayor Thuldrin Kreed may have led a witch hunt to burn a rival clan six years ago (the Larkos Family).   Cadrug brews potions. Gwen Frost earns some silver by helping out in the apothecary with Graal the Witch. Detlev d'Cannith crafts some landmines.  

Rhaan 9th, Boldrei's Feast

Morning - The Election

Thuldrin Kreed is re-elected mayor, generally unopposed (a few goblins vote for Graal the Witch).

Afternoon - The Festival

The party mostly celebrates the feast in Goblintown, Falcon's Hollow. Gwen wins an archery contest.

Evening - Zombie Attack

Waves of zombie hordes, interspersed with fast running ghouls, assault Falcon's Hollow. The party organizes a defense, coordinating townsfok with hunting bows, planting landmines, and making sure that everyone got to safety inside the walls. Before the final massive wave, a tremor shakes the ground and a windblast comes from the direction of the cemetary (and / or the ruined dwarven monastary)...  

Rhaan 10th

After defeating the zombie attack, the party publicly suggests Thuldrin Kreed accompany them on an investigation to the cemetary and dungeon. He begrudgingly agrees. The cemetary is turned up, and Gwen spots five Kobold tracks amongst the dirt.   Returning to the dwarven monastary / kobold dungeon, the party finds that the warrens have been abandoned. Ropes tied to the elevator shaft indicate that the presumably starving kobolds retreated further into the dungeon.   Descending themselves, the third level of the dungeon has a flooded circular chamber (filled with the wreckage of the elevator, and at least one kobold corpse in the foot-deep water). Through a pair of large stone doors, they encounter the Kobold King and some minions. Their glowing yellow eyes dim when defeated, and the party claims the king's Crown (carefully wrapped and put into a Bag of Holding). Carved into the pillars of this chamber is a memorial to the goblin Dhakaani hero, Prince Vaani.

Rewards Granted

+440 XP
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
29 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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