Session 1: New Beginnings Report Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 1: New Beginnings Report

General Summary

Barrakas 9th, YK 998


  Tim arrived in Falcon’s Hollow just a few hours ago. He was greeted by a childhood friend, Cadrug the Goblin, and they have a lot to catch up on. A summer thunderstorm rages outside. You’ve gathered for supper at The Sitting Duck, where a warm fire, hot food, and loud drinking games distract the town of Falcon’s Hollow from the sickness that plagues it.   Seated at the bar are Detlev, Cadrug, and Tim. Detlev joined them as the conversation shifted towards the town’s plight - and how Laurel the Herbalist seeks volunteers to gather ingredients necessary for a possible cure. Earlier today, Cadrug visited Laurel the Herbalist to get a list of what was needed. She told you about the previous group of volunteers - they went into the woods and have not returned…   The tavern door bangs open, and a woman steps in from the raging storm. Her clothes are bloodstained and shredded. Its Gwen Frost.  

Barrakas 10th, YK 998

The party spends the day traveling north, into Darkmoon Vale 


  In the jungle, they are attacked by a lone Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Tribe hunter.  


  They reach the ruined monastery, and enter the guard tower. A giant spider attacks but is quickly cut down by Tim with a critical hit.    Detlev repairs the stairs and they climb to the top of the tower, looting a cold iron shortsword. From the tower's vantage point, the party spots a small campfire's smoke rising from the north-western corner of the main building.   The party enters the main building via a side entrance. They find a broken stone statue of a dwarf. And a door, covered in cobwebs...

Rewards Granted

140 XP (835 total)

Character(s) interacted with

Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
12 Jan 2024
Secondary Location