Session 2: Kobolds and Spiders and Jelly, oh my! Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 2: Kobolds and Spiders and Jelly, oh my!

General Summary

In the stone ruins of a dwarven monastary dedicated to Onatar, the party presses onward, seeking the ingredients to cure the plague ravaging their hometown. Previously alerted by campfire smoke that someone else is also here, they approach as stealthily as possible...  

Barrakas 10th, YK 998


Entered a cob-webbed armory. Looted 2x freezing crossbow bolts. Found secret door to prison cells. Fought 4x dwarven skeletons. To maintain a "stealthy" approach, Detlev punched a skeleton, to avoid alerting whatever was in the next room with the campfire... Looted a magical ring (fire resistance) and some Ironbloom Mushrooms.   Attacked 3x kobolds who were gambling around a campfire.   Explored the remaining rooms of the monastary ruins. Tim triggered a mold spore cloud in the library.   Found 1x hexagonal garnet that appears to fit in the sockets of the altar in the sanctuary.   Camped in the watch tower (formerly occupied by a giant spider). Leveled up!  

Barrakas 11th, YK 998

Morning (8:00 AM)

  Entered the lower level, beneath the monastary. Explored, found a lava pit. Tossed a stick of chalk in the lava, a giant mutated Grick appeared but did not pursue (the party fled).   Pool of stagnant water filled with blood sucking leech worms. Firing loud weapons (such as Detlev's cannon) attracts the attention of a group of kobolds from deeper in the dungeon. Battle in the long dark corridor. Kobold leader has a ring of keys.   Explored sleeping quarters. Floating dwarven plate armor with a glowing battle ax (gelateneous cube!). Gwen Frost doesn't realize it's an ooze, and attempts to deftly grab the axe, but is instead paralyzed and engulfed by the ooze! Party defeats ooze.   From down the corridor, a voice calls out in Common: "Hello? Is anyone there?"   Session End - 9:00 AM Barrakas 11th 998 YK

Rewards Granted

Leveled up (Level 2) + 257 XP remaining

Missions/Quests Completed

Gathered enough Ironbloom Mushrooms for Curing the Blackscour Taint.
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
20 Jan 2024