Session 3: Vaani's Final Rest Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 3: Vaani's Final Rest

General Summary

Beneath the dwarven monastary, the party rescues two townsfolk from Falcon's Hollow. They meet some Kobold revolutionaries, discover that the dungeon is much bigger than originally suspected, and defeat a ghostly goblin champion.  


Morning (9:00 AM)

Met Edgrin Galesong, who had barricaded himself in the kitchen to hide from his kobold captors. He explains that he escaped from the warrens on the second level of the dungeon, and that he got separated from his friend Barlus Chorton during their escape. Edgrin gives directions to the elevator.   Beyond the double doors north of the mess hall, the party finds an ancient Dhaakani (Goblin) tomb, with an inscription.
"Vaani, Champion of Dhakaan - Slain by the Lord of Eyes"
  Hiding in the back of the tomb is Barlus Chorton, whose faith in the Silver Flame is keeping four Goblin skeleton guards from attacking him. Cadrug asks if the party can pass, and Gwen presents the Byeshk sword-hilt she's been carrying around. The skeletons don't attack. Barlus is rescued. Gwen loots a handful of sword shards from the tomb that are a perfect fit for the hilt. She does not loot a golden coin that sits on the skull of the body in the tomb.   Next room has three ghouls (feeding on a dead kobold).   Elevator Room has five kobolds. The party disposes of their bodies by tossing down the elevator shaft. Detlev ties the elevator controls with a rope to spam the "call to floor 1" button. He also attempts to repair the chain in the elevator mechanism, which Gwen perceived to be at risk of breaking (he failed, but didn't realize his mistake). One of the kobolds has a gold coin similar to the one in the tomb - Cadrug equips it, as they identify it as an Uul'kur (goblin artifact for ritual dreaming) (stats of a Pendant of the Occult).   Through the doors to the south, they hear a kobold giving a speech
“… but we all know the stab-stab to our king’s eye was just the start! So many of us died when the bald wizard man came. Our king did not fight. He led us to the sun, and it took so long to come back here. Now that we’re back, the wizard man is still downstairs and our king’s plan to magic up his crown is going to get us in even more trouble if we keep snatching people from the human town. That’s how you get do-gooders in your home! But I, Kerrdremak, have stolen the wizard’s magic book. We can use it to stop him. And stop the king! Now, join me in prayer, my acolytes, so that we might make peace with the bones and shadows and save ourselves!”
  The party negotiates with Kerrdremak the kobold revolutionary, convincing him that they were sent by Gerttlekemp (a kobold guard up in the ruins they previously defeated). They learn that the dungeon has 5 levels, that the bottom level (Level 5) is uncomfortably hot, that the bald wizard (Drazmorg Kyuss) is on Level 4, and that the kobolds mostly live on Level 2. The party is gifted the "wizard's book", a black leather journal embossed with a silver emblem of Morgrave University on the cover. Most of the pages are covered in charcoal drawings from Kerrdremak, but the last two entries are legible.   After reading the book (its clear that Kerrdremak doesn't speak Common) and making a plan with the rebels to overthrow their king the next day, the kobold group rushes to "get lunch" and takes the elevator down to Level 2... until the chains break and they fall screaming! There's a faint "splash" of bodies hitting water far below.  

Afternoon (11:00 AM)

Party takes the rusty cauldron from the kitchen and makes camp in the tower ruins above ground. Barlus and Edgrin will be staying in the camp until the party can escort them back to Falcon's Hollow.  


Morning (8:00 AM)

Returning to the dungeon (Level 1), not much has changed. The destruction of the elevator means that kobolds can't reinforce the area. Lots of rats are scurrying around, feasting on the kobold corpses. Party catches one and pickles it with vinegar found in the kitchen. Now they just need some Elderwood Moss and they can brew the cure for the Blackscour Taint that is plaguing their town.   Through a slightly collapsed corridor, the party enters a forge room - the forge glowing hot, a massive anvil laid out with high quality smith's tools. A goblin spirit appears and screams wildly, attacking the party. He shouts the name "Shaarat'doovol" when he recongizes Gwen's sword-hilt (roughly translated to "The Blade of Truth"). During the battle, Gwen feels that the spirit's face looks eerily familiar. Tim recognizes that the spirit possesses the martial prowess of a skilled warrior. Cadrug is blinded for a few rounds. Gust (Cadrug's familiar) is killed in a cloud of burning embers. Finally, Vaani's spirit is defeated, as Gwen plunges the sword-hilt into his chest and the goblin evaporates into smoke that is sucked into the forge.  


The party plans to explore the rest of Level 1, rescue any surviving prisoners from the kobold warrens on Level 2, search for Elderwood Moss in the jungle, and return to Falcon's Hollow.

Rewards Granted

+450 XP (total currently 707)

Missions/Quests Completed

Pickled a rat's tail for Curing the Blackscour Taint.
Eberron Campaign
Detlev d'Cannith
Gwen Frost
Report Date
27 Jan 2024