Session 4: Cures and Cauldrons Report in Eberron | World Anvil
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Session 4: Cures and Cauldrons

General Summary

Finished Curing the Blackscour Taint and traveled to Cauldron to investigate Kidnappings in Cauldron.  

Barrakas 12th, 998 YK

Morning (8:30 AM)

Treated wounds and continued exploring Level 1 of the dungeon. Fought two very dangerous Shocker Lizards which nearly killed Gwen. Regrouped with Barlus Chorton and Edgrin Galesong, packed up camp, and traveled to the Eldermoss Tree - led by Barlus.  

Afternoon (12:30 PM)

Spotted three bodies hanging half way up the massive tree. Gathered eldermoss stealthily, and returned to Falcon's Hollow.  

Evening (7:30 PM)

Arrived in Falcon's Hollow. Tim has a letter from Sir Sercyl. He sends a response to say: "We are on our way, after we rescue prisoners from the kobolds".   Party learns that Laurel the Herbalist has died this morning. Cadrug and Gwen begin brewing the cure for the Blackscour Taint, using Laurel's recipe book.   Cadrug has a dream.
Cadrug feels warm and cozy as he drifts off to sleep. You find yourself standing on the edge of a crater. Fires burn around you, the wreckage of a great battlefield. Goblin bodies are everywhere. A goblin corpse is lifted up by survivors. A child pulls a broken sword hilt out of a pool of blood. Tears pour down this young goblin’s face as he stares at the purple blade. Your vision blurs. When you can see again, that child is now an elderly goblin, crippled with age. He is sitting on a rock in a forest, surrounded by grandchildren. He’s telling a story, but you can’t make out the words. A gust of wind blows through the forest, and a scarlet colored leaf falls to your feet.

Barrakas 13th, 998 YK


Party reads two more entries from Drazmorg's journal. They distribute the cure for the plague amongst the townsfolk. They travel back to the dungeon, hoping to rescue any surviving prisoners from the kobolds before they are sacrificed.  

Afternoon (5:00 PM)

Descend via rope to Level 2. Fight several waves of kobold guards. Rescued Colbrin. Extracted back up the elevator shaft, and pulled up the rope afterwards, effectively sealing the kobolds in the warrens (Colbrin said the kobolds hadn't gotten any fresh food for the last couple of days).   Explored two more rooms on Level 1. First, a mechanical room with a Steam Pressure Release valve and an Electro Magnetic Pulse Valve, connected to some larger machinery lower in the dungeon. And finally, a dwarven bedroom (with loot - a magic gauntlet, bracers, and an obsidian statue).   Camped in the ruined tower.  

Barrakas 14th, 998 YK


Packed up and traveled back to Falcon's Hollow.  


Arrived in Falcon's Hollow. Gave Laurel's recipe book to Graal the Witch, who will take over as the town's healer. Party sold as much of their gear as they could, and prepared to journey to Cauldron to answer Sir Sercyl's summons.  

Barrakas 15th through 20th, 998 YK

Traveling through the jungles of Q'barra. Stopped in Redgorge, and then hiked up the Endworld Mountains to reach Cauldron. No encounters on the road!  

Barrakas 20th, 998 YK

Afternoon (4:00 PM)

  Arrived in Cauldron. Paid gate tax at the southern gate. Sold tools to Zanathor's Provisions. Heard a fishing story about the morkoth monster that ate Zanathor's leg.   Sold some armor to Gurnezarn's Smithy.   Got dinner at the Drunken Morkoth Inn. Met with Sir Sercyl at the bar. When the topic of the missing orphans came up, some ruffians from another table attacked. Defeated the three attackers. A short woman from their table claps, says "Well done - now tell the Silver Flame that the children are lost and no longer the church's concern" and turns invisible.    


Party makes a show of planning to stay at the Church of the Silver Flame, Cauldron but instead camps in the woods across the street from the Lantern Street Orphanage. Sir Sercyl sleeps at the church.   Taking shifts through the night, Tim spots a half-orc with an eye patch from the orphanage taking a smoke break on the steps.  

Barrakas 21st, 998 YK


Gwen and Detlev investigate the orphanage. Cadrug and Tim wait outside and scout the perimeter. Gwen and Detlev tell Gretchyn Tashykk, headmistress of the orphanage, that they are interested in adopting a child. She's suspicious, and tells them there is a high fee (50 gp). But she'll waive the fee if they can find the 4 missing children:
  • Deakon
  • Evelyn
  • Lucinda
  • Terrem
  They interrogate Neva, the orphanage nurse, and Patch the Janitor. Patch says he was paid a good amount of gold by a halfing named Revus (drinking partner at the Tipped Tankard Tavern). Last saw Revus a month ago.   Gwen and Detlev also meet Andro, a young boy who talks about nightmares with a gnome (with crooked teeth).   They investigate the ornate, complex locks on the windows. These locks can be opened from either the outside or the inside. The locks were donated (by whom, Patch doesn't know). But they were made and installed by Ghelve's Locks.

Missions/Quests Completed

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