Eberron Web lurker ambushes research team
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Web lurker ambushes research team



A Morgrave University research team was traveling through northern Q’barra when a web-lurker ambushed the group.

Out in Q’barra, Morgrave University research teams can explore Dhakaani goblin ruins without bureaucratic red tape. A research team was traveling through northern Q’barra when a web-lurker ambushed the group. Several researchers were killed, and the rest were taken prisoner by the monster, intending to feed them to its giant pet siders. Detlev d’Cannith and a local bounty hunter rescued the team and together they defeated the spiders. In the web-lurker’s cave, Gwen found the bones of several dwarves. Amongst their skeletons, she uncovered the hilt of a broken sword with a blade of pure Byeshk, a rare purple metal known only to ancient goblin smiths. Traces of magic linger on it, but whatever enchantment was once there is shattered like the rest of the weapon.

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