Q'barra Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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The untamed jungle frontier on the south eastern edge of the continent.   When the Last War broke out, a fleet of settlers came to Q’barra in search of a new home far from the war. As these settlements expanded, settlers discovered massive deposits of dragonshards (crystals that can be refined to fuel magic items). Over the past decade, a wave of prospectors, refugees, and fortune seekers migrated to the region, followed by brigands, deserters from the war, and all manner of criminals and opportunists.   The jungles of Q’barra were already home to a number of ancient civilizations - dragonborn and lizardfolk empires that the settlers collectively refer to as “scales”. Treaties are in place, although communication is difficult and prospectors rarely abide by the terms.  

Natural Resources

Eberron Dragonshards, Rare herbs, Darkwood