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House Lyrandar Establishes Stormhome



The Khoravar dragonmarked House Lyrandar took possession of an island off the northern coast of Khorvaire with the permission of the Galifaran Crown and Aundair’s regional authorities to create Stormhome, the City of Escapes, the seat of their house.

The Khoravar dragonmarked House Lyrandar took possession of an island off the northern coast of Khorvaire with the permission of the Galifaran Crown and Aundair’s regional authorities to create Stormhome, the City of Escapes, the seat of their house. The large island off the northern coast of Aundair was once a bleak, storm-blasted outpost at the entrance to Scions Sound. In 347 YK, House Lyrandar petitioned to turn the island into a house enclave, and the Galifaran Crown relented—with the caveat that it could maintain a protective military force there to monitor the comings and goings at sea. Three years later, the weather mages and dragonmarked heirs of Lyrandar had changed the climate of the island. While cold weather and storms continued to rage around it, Stormhome itself became a temperate paradise. Today, Stormhome remains the crowning achievement of House Lyrandar’s skills and abilities. The city that bears the island’s name serves as the primary headquarters for the House of Storm and the seat of its present-day matriarch. Today, the Kingdom of Aundair considers the island to be an extension of its nation, and House Lyrandar continues to permit an Aundairian military contingent to use part of the island as a base. The Aundairian Navy patrols the northern coast, stopping at Stormhome for supplies and to escape the bitter cold wind that blows across the bay.   In addition to the presence of many of the leading members of House Lyrandar and their retainers, a number of other wealthy nobles regularly visit the city. It has become something of a vacation spot, and House Lyrandar has permitted House Ghallanda to establish elaborate resorts within the city limits to cater to its guests. During the Last War, the island was mostly left alone by attacking forces due to House Lyrandar’s political neutrality and diplomatic position. It became a meeting place for spies from the Five Nations and a hotbed of clandestine activities between other organizations, a reputation that it continues to hold in the current day.